Chapter 7 - A Perilous Cycle

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

Severus and Harriet stumbled together as they lost themselves in their kiss.

Harriet's body called out to the one she longed for as she placed a hand gently on Severus's cheek to draw him closer.

His skillful palms found her waist while her intoxicating pheromones wafted from her skin.

After so many years of restrained discipline, unyielding dedication, and miserable service, Severus growled deep in his chest as he decided to indulge in one selfish desire.

Lady Riddle would be his.

Harriet's new title was in name only, she would never love Tom and he would never love her, they all knew that.

When Harriet felt her back touch the stone wall, the warmth that had washed over her seemed to double and she groaned in pain as the hardness of the rock collided uncomfortably with her sore body.

Severus pulled away from their kiss to look into her emerald eyes.

His dark gaze was soft and loving as he slipped a hand behind her to guard from any further discomfort.

Harriet stared into his dark eyes as he lifted her into his arms as easily if she were a doll.

She held onto his strong shoulders while he carried her over to the long, wooden table in the middle of his brewing room.

Harriet heard him whisper something under his breath.

She blinked as all of the books, vials, and brewing instruments were cleared away from the wood.

When Severus reached the table and laid her down gently, her pounding heart accelerated to such a speed that she was certain it would explode.

Instinctively, as Harriet stared up at him, she parted her legs while he leaned down to settle himself between them.

For years, Harriet had imagined that her first encounter with an alpha would be rough and a bit frightening.

She was surprised to discover what a gentle lover Severus could be beyond his gruff, cold exterior.

Candles glowed around them as they kissed and writhed against each other there on the table.

Harriet's thighs squeezed Severus's waist while he rolled his hips to complete the invasion she welcomed.

His touch was so tender it nearly brought tears to her eyes.

What he could do with a single motion awed Harriet.......

His hands whispered over her skin like pleasant traces of velvet.

When his lips found her sensitive peaks, he had to quickly cast a Silencing charm on the room to avoid her cries being heard from the hallway.

As Harriet's heat fully crashed down upon her, she held onto her new lover and relied on him to help her through.

Her mind blurred as she focused on the soft light from the candles, Severus's addictive, soothing scent, and the gentle purr of his low voice.

His attentive care made her feel loved, invigorated, and alive.

Before Harriet realized, she felt herself tense, only to tumble over a high cliff into a pool of pleasure a few seconds later.

She couldn't remember if Severus had leaned in or not, but at the height of her joy, she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him to her in a desperate need to be as close to him as possible.

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