Chapter 9 - Riddle's Fall

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Lady Riddle's pregnancy drifted by as the weeks melted into months.

Harriet had been fortunate enough to escape the nausea and stomach upset that plagued many mothers-to-be, but her anxiety compensated for her lack of digestive suffering.

She and Severus spent many hours whispering to one another about their situation in the privacy of his brewing room, during the times that they knew Tom had left the castle to tend one matter or another.

As Harriet's belly rounded and her energy waned, she took to her nest more.

Tom grew bored with her and often sent Severus to care for her in his place.

Lord Riddle had more important things to do than hover over a pregnant woman.

Severus was thrilled that his dark master had cast aside the wife he had claimed to love with all of his heart.

Tom Riddle had no heart, Severus knew that.

Harriet didn't care where Tom was or what he did as long as she had Severus beside her.

Severus thoughtfully concocted an assortment of creams and oils for Lady Riddle.

His mixtures were guaranteed to soothe the aches in her body and ease the burden that her skin bore as it stretched.

While Severus did really intend to help Harriet with the discomforts of pregnancy, those creams and oils gave him an excellent excuse to rub her belly.

Tom let his hands grace over her in the morning when they woke and in the evening before they slept, but she grew slightly annoyed about how much he abandoned his pursuit of her after he was sure that insemination had taken place.

Severus's affections though, which came from genuine, true love, only strengthened as Harriet's womb swelled.

One evening, while she thrashed around in bed with a huff, eager to finally find a comfortable position, Severus sat beside her and helped her adjust the pillows so that she could rest peacefully.

After he finally had his omega settled, she sighed as she pressed one of his hands against the life that tumbled and squirmed inside her heavy belly.

Severus's black eyes were soft and loving as he gazed down at Harriet and vowed, "I will.......keep you both safe.....don't fret, Lady Riddle."

Harriet smiled softly as Severus bent down and kissed her lips.

Kisses were few and far between for the forbidden couple, but with Tom out of the castle for the night, they both indulged in a decadent taste of each other.

".....Sev?" Harriet whispered against his lips as he pulled back slightly.

"Yes...........?" He purred.

He mistook the tension across her abdomen as movement from his child for a moment before horrified realization dawned on him.

His dark eyes widened as Harriet calmly mentioned, "...........I think I need the midwife."


Severus was overcome by gratitude that Tom Riddle had left the castle to resolve an issue at the Ministry of Magic.

Tom's absence meant that Harriet could be more relaxed in the birthing room.

The Dark Lord's departure also allowed Severus to stay with his beloved while she fought to bring their child into the world.

Harriet Potter: Tom Riddle's Wife, Severus Snape's LoverWhere stories live. Discover now