Chapter 11

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Devan and Tal were marched to the upper deck, gray clouds blotting out the sun with the promise of a severe storm. A boat nearly as big as the one they were on was anchored next to them, bearing black sails with the emblem of a snake coiled around a skull on it. Men wearing mismatched clothes—all dirty with grease, liquor, blood, and sweat—brandishing various weapons wandered across both decks. The crew of Devan's ship were held at swordpoint, standing at the bow of the ship.

Tal was grabbed roughly by the arm, nearly choking on the stench of the pirate—Tal assumed that's what these brutes were. He was dragged a few feet from Devan but was within hearing range as a man with scraggly brown hair peeking out from beneath a black captain's hat stepped up to the prince. He held a wicked looking knife, and Tal realized with a start that this was the same dagger he had been stabbed through the shoulder with all those years ago as a child. How the man had it, Tal didn't know.

The pirate captain tucked the tip of the blade under Devan's chin, forcing the prince to raise his head more to look at him. Devan clenched his jaw, meeting the pirate's glare. "Your father will pay a handsome price to have you back, won't he?"

"If it's money you want, try getting a job," the prince snapped.

A few of the captain's men chuckled, though the laughs died down when they received a sharp look from their leaders. The captain turned his attention back to Devan. "I wonder if you could survive the royal court if we cut out that clever tongue of yours."

"At least you think I'm clever, snake," Devan replied, smirking.

"Do you think that this is a game?" the captain roared, stepping back. Devan lowered his head, swiping at the speck of blood brought forth by the tip of the knife. "I could end your life right now, Your Highness."

Devan tilted his head, sliding his hands into his pockets. "No, you won't. You've always been far too greedy; even before your banishment." His eyes darkened in a way that sent ice dragging along Tal's spine. And the assassin knew that should Devan—or anyone from his family—desire to take over the world, no one could stop them.

The air between the prince and captain crackled with energy. Tal gasped for air, choking on that power that was surging through the air like a storm getting ready to be unleashed.

"Don't think that I've forgotten about what you tried to do to my sister," Devan snarled. "Now get off my ship. Or I promise, things will not end well for you."

The captain stepped back another few paces, then halted. "You don't order me around anymore, boy. I'll kill your crew and then take you aboard my ship and—"

"Tal." Devan's tone was sharp as he darted forward, snatching a sword from the scabbard of one of the pirate's, tossing it into the air in Tal's direction.

The assassin acted quickly, stomping on the inside of his captor's foot and pushing the heavy set man away before snatching the blade out of the air. Devan had already retrieved a second one. The crew on the far side of the ship were doing what they could to fight back.

Tal and Devan stood back to back, weapons brandished. "You can't just snap your fingers and kill them all? Or drive them back?" the assassin snapped, batting another sword away as it swung for his neck.

Devan grunted, blocking a sword. "We don't use them to hurt people."

"But threatening them is perfectly okay," Tal retorted, glancing back at the prince.

"I may have lost my cool for a second," the other grumbled. "Duck."

Tal and Devan dropped to their knees, two of the pirates' blades passing over their heads to cut into each other. From the royal navy, a shout came up and a bucket hit the head of another pirate. Devan and Tal stood back up, brandishing their weapons.

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