Chapter 19

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Devan was still unconscious when Aubrie swept into the infirmary, her pale blue skirts fanning around her as she knelt on the ground beside the cot her brother had been placed on. She barely noticed Tal watching from the corner of the room. She held Devan's hand in her own, forcing herself to not feel the fear that threatened to send her into a panic.

Her brother was so pale, even paler than her. The Princess could only stare at her brother, his chest rising and falling—she breathed a relieved sigh—but just barely. His hand was cold and, if it weren't for the fact that she'd seen him take a breath, she would have believed him dead.

Aubrie watched him, searching for his power in the room. They could always sense one another. But there was nothing except a weak pulse coming from the Prince. Whatever had happened, it had all but eradicated his supernatural powers.

Two pairs of footsteps rushed into the room; Aubrie didn't need to turn around to know that it was her parents. They came closer, the Queen kneeling beside her daughter.

"What happened?" she asked, brushing Devan's hair back from his face.

"I don't know," Aubrie murmured. "I had someone send for Alvar."

Aubrie's father set a hand on his wife's shoulder. "It's going to be okay, dear." He turned to look at Tal. "You were with him, yes? What happened?"

Tal shook his head. "He followed me up to my room and then just... collapsed."

"You were just in a training session, right?" Aubrie asked, looking at Tal. "Did something happen—"

"No, not that I'm aware of," he said, fixing his attention on the doctor who bustled into the room.

Alvar murmured his apologies and rushed about the room, washing his hands, changing into a clean robe and apron. He shuffled over to the cot, carrying a bag full of tools. He frowned at the sight of the Prince, taking care while poking and prodding at the young man.

Aubrie watched, carefully monitoring her brother's breathing, still holding his hand. When Alvar tugged down the collar of Devan's shirt to more easily feel his pulse, Aubrie's blood turned to ice. The room fell silent. Even Alvar sucked in a sharp breath at the sight of the black web of veins centered on the Prince's sternum.

"Is that...?"

"Yes," Alvar muttered. For once, he was at a loss for words. "Black veins, pale skin, shallow breathing... All of those symptoms are congruent with Kela dian poisoning."

Beside her, Aubrie's mother choked back a sob. "He was poisoned? With Kelau dian? How? When?"

Alvar frowned. "I don't know. With his healing abilities, it could have been a while ago."

"Alvar," Ralen said, his voice quiet, "is there anyway that this isn't Kelau dian?"

The doctor sighed. "Possibly. I'll go through my notes and let you know what I find. But... I am very sure that the poison used on your son is Kelau dian. And... as you know... there is no known cure."

Eliza covered her mouth with her hand, crying now at the possibility that she might lose her son. Aubrie took a deep breath, trying to keep herself from completely breaking down.

"We can figure this out," Aubrie insisted, comforting her mother. "It's Devan, after all."

* * *

The woods were eerily silent.

Shadows twisted and bent all around him, almost as though they were reaching out for him. The sun was barely able to shine through overhead. Branches were weighed down under snow and ice, a fine layer of it covering the forest floor.

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