Chapter 15

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The throne room was packed full of knights, members of the royal court, advisors, and ladies-in-waiting who stood beside their mistresses, waiting for an order. Everyone wore their finest clothes—save for the knights who were dressed in armor, the dark blue tunics bearing Tredia's emblem, and dark blue capes.

Tal stood near Devan as they waited for the king and queen to arrive. Devan wore clothing similar to the knights, the silver armor holding a shine to it in the light of the sun that filtered through the huge window behind the two thrones on the dais. The only difference was that Devan wore a gold crown, marking him as the heir to Tredia's throne. Tal was the only knight not wearing armor.

    He'd tried it on and refused to continue wearing it. The armor didn't fit right. It didn't matter if the size was correct. None of it felt right for him. Devan assured Tal that they'd make some custom armor if he preferred, but Tal turned down the offer. He preferred the dark clothing he now wore. Though he did compromise somewhat and humored Devan by wearing the dark blue cape. He knew he stood out like a sore thumb—how could he not? He certainly made Devan wheeze with laughter when Kalvir asked how he'd possibly carry his weapons, and in response, Tal proceeded to strap his sword to his side, along with hidden knives and other various weaponry. All of which Devan permitted and thought was amusing.

    And so Tal now stood beside the king-to-be. Devan had insisted Tal stay close though he wouldn't say why. The assassin glanced around at the restless crowd, catching sight of Aubrie pushing and squeezing her way past the visitors and other courtesans, making a path to her brother.

    Devan smiled at the sight of his sister when she finally joined him. "And to think that you didn't greet me when I first came back."

    Aubrie rolled her eyes, and Tal had the distinct feeling that she would have stuck out her tongue at him if there weren't so many witnesses. "I was busy, Devan." Her gaze softened. "But I am glad to know you're safe." She looked at Tal, smiling. "You, too."

    Tal flashed her a smirk. "Aw, did you miss me, Princess?"

    She sighed. "I've changed my mind."

    Devan chuckled, kissing Aubrie's cheek. "It's good to see you, Aubrie."

    The Princess smoothed out her ivory and peach skirts before fixing the dainty silver crown she wore. "I know; what would you do without me?" She finished her statement with a pleasant, smug smile.

    Before Devan could answer, the throne room doors opened and the crowd hushed, parting so as to make room for the king and queen. Tal stood tall and silent beside the Prince, attention on the royal couple as they walked hand-in-hand down the red carpeted aisle, stepping up onto the dais.

    King Ralen and Queen Eliza seated themselves on the thrones. Ralen nodded to a guard standing near the foot of the dais. The knight disappeared, returning shortly with the three winged people and a fourth person whose hands were tied behind their back and a bag was placed over their head.

    The three winged people bowed, wings scraping the ground as they knelt. King Ralen gestured for them to rise. "Canem, it is an honor to have your people visit our home. The Jakenia are a mighty race. What can we do for Tredia's oldest allies?"

    Canem met the king's gaze. "I only wish to bring a warning, my king." With a nod from Ralen to continue, Canem took a step closer. "Sire, I fear that someone is out to kill your son."

    Ralen glanced over at Devan quickly, worry shining through the overall confidence he showed to the others around him. Eliza inhaled sharply, and Tal noted how her fingers tightened on the armrests of her throne. Ralen returned his attention to the Jakenia before him. "What makes you say that?"

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