Chapter 9

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Jesper stared at Wylan

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Jesper stared at Wylan. "Of course you're a Councilman's kid." He burst out laughing. "That explains everything."

He knew he should be angry at Kaz for holding back yet another vital piece of information, but right now, he was just enjoying watching the little revelation of Wylan Van Eck's identity go careening around the room like an ornery colt kicking up dust.

Wylan was red faced and mortified. Nina looked stunned and irritated. The Fjerdan just seemed confused. Kaz and Kasper appeared utterly pleased with themselves. And, of course, Inej didn't look remotely surprised. She gathered Kaz's secrets and kept them as well. Nor did Lanying for that matter. As a matter of fact, she had crossed her arms and was smiling.  Jesper tried to ignore the pang of jealousy he felt at that.

Wylan's mouth opened and closed, his throat working. "You knew?" he asked Kaz miserably.

Kaz leaned back in his chair, one knee bent, his bad leg stretched out before him. "Why do you think I've been keeping you around?"

"I'm good at demo."

"You're passable at demo. You're excellent at hostage." Kasper interjected 

That was cruel, but that was Kasper. And the Barrel was a far rougher teacher than Kasper or Kaz could ever be. At least this explained why Kasper and Kaz had been coddling Wylan and sending jobs his way.

"It doesn't matter," said Jesper. "We should still take Raske and leave this baby merch on lockdown in Ketterdam.

"I don't trust Raske." Kaz replied

"And you trust Wylan Van Eck?" Jesper said incredulously. "Wylan doesn't know enough people to cause us real trouble."

"Don't I have some say in this?" complained Wylan. "I'm sitting right here."

Kaz raised a brow. "Ever had your pocket picked, Wylan?"

"I ... not that I know of."

"Been mugged in an alley?"


"Hung over the side of a bridge with your head in the canal?"

Wylan blinked. "No, but—"

"Ever been beaten until you can't walk?"


"Why do you think that is?"

"It's been three months since you left your daddy's mansion on the Geldstraat. Why do you suppose vour sojourn in the Barrel has been so blessed?" Lanying asked

"Lucky, I guess?" Wylan suggested weakly.

Jesper snorted. "Kaz and Kasper are your luck, merchling. They've had you under Dregs protection - though you're so" useless, up until this minute none of us could figure out why."

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