Chapter 1: Best Day Ever

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3rd POV

The bright sun was fading away with a clear view of a beautiful beach in the scenery.

It was a fantastic day, a night to remember, to the ones invited and to the ones who made it happen.

A beautiful white dress was seen and a familiar beautiful demon wearing make-up and an obvious wedding ring on her fourth finger.

She has a big grin on her face which didn't go unnoticed by a familiar woman who has a warm smile aswell.

M/N: You look very happy hmm?

She looks at her with the same smile which made her even more beautiful.

Alastor: Of course, it's a big day today.

M/N holds both her hands which made her look up at the matured woman.

M/N: You've already done so much for my son, thank you so much, Daughter-in-law.

Alastor smiled and puts up a tear which made her giggle.

Alastor: Thank you to you too, without you I might not see the love of my life, Mom.

They hugged with each other, and a really noticeable bump on the cute demon was seen.

Meanwhile, in the boys dressing room a familiar boy was looking at his suit which made him impressed.

Y/N: Damn John, I didn't know you can knit.

John: Heh, you haven't seen nothing yet. But seriously you are one lucky idiot.

Y/N: I know, and I'm proud of it.

He looked at his left hand to see a smiliar wedding ring which made his heart beat.

John: You got this brother, I know you do.

Y/N: Don't worry, I'm ready for anything.

John: Woah, where'd the shy and introverted Y/N I know?

Y/N: Haha, probably gone now.

John: She really changed your life huh?

Y/N: Yeah... And I thank her for it.

With one last bro-fist, Y/N inhaled deeply and closed his eyes, he was about to open the door when someone opened it first.

F/N: Son, how are you?

Y/N: I'm excited, I wanna see her already.

F/N: Sheesh, you, don't be like me when I was at my first date with your mom.

Y/N: But I'm going to get married. And I can't believe you still accepted even though she's a demon, I thought you wouldn't.

F/N: Well, it was hard to take it in, but when I saw you too so close together, I was just so happy that you finally found the one, so I can't just change you again like I did in the past.

Y/N's father hugged the happy son, he slightly cried of joy which made him cringe.

Y/N: Ay, dad we talked about this...

F/N: I-I'm sorry... It's just I'm so happy... I'm so proud of you.

Y/N: ...Thanks dad.

He then hugged the older man and stayed there for a minute.


People were chatting, eating or drinking the night out and was waiting for the groom and the bride to arrive.

Suddenly the piano started which made them silent and enjoyed the wait, Y/N was now in the front of the chapel with a warm smile.

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