Chapter 9: Understand?

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3rd POV

The sunset looks absolutely magnificent from the sky, birds peacefully chirping as they soar miles and miles away. We transition to a jeep and a couple of black cars asy they drive to the road.

A familiar angry boss with his brother could be seen on one of the cars, their frowns were obvious as they were running out of hope to capture the so called Demoness. But who are we kidding? Sometimes doubts appear in your mind. Will they even capture this powerful menace that once ruled Hell like it was nothing?

The last time the Boss had enough hope was the interview with the Captain of an army. Seemingly convincing him to work with the agents, but they were politely declined ending their peaceful talk. If you could say that was peaceful.

Nothing was left to say, no plan could be thought from their heads. It looks like he'll just leave the woman alone with his husband, and forget that this happened in the first place..

..No, he's not giving up this early, not until he gets revenge for his family. The once peaceful and loving family he had.. Gone, as he still mourns till this day.

But it's no time to sob like a baby, the jeep and the rest of the cars went inside a gate with a base in the middle of nowhere. D.H.O.R.K.S is an establishement filled with deadly assassins, experts with weaponry. But what's all of this against Hell Incarnate?

So the Boss thought of one thing that should work. Big emphasis on the should, he walks inside the building and grabs his cellphone. Going to the contacts, he pressed on a random person and they talked for a minute or two.

We then transition to the Boss' room filled with treasures and achievements throughout the story of being a Boss on this establishment. His big brother was beside him like some sort of body guard as they heard a knock to the door.

Boss: Come in.

Seconds past as a man with the suit of an agent like the rest but he has a scar on left eye, a really big one so the eyepatch really fits him. A handgun resting on his waist as he walks inside and bows.

???: Good Evening sir, what can I do for you at this time?

Boss: I have something to offer you. Please seat down.

The agent raised his eyebrow, confused on the situation he's in.

???: Am I fired?

Boss: Just sit.

He sat infront of the boss as he stood up from the seat and glanced in the window, as birds fly around.

Boss: Tell me this agent... How would you feel if your own family was killed mercilessly?

The agent felt uneasy at the question, but honestly answered.

???: I would feel miserable sir.. Not only that but revenge would take over me.

Boss: ..You're feeling the way I feel everyday. My family has never, and I mean NEVER did amything..! And what did fate give me? The death of them all!

He slammed his fist down the table, rage fills his body to the max as he remembers their lifeless bodies from the ground. His brother gently rests his hand on his shoulder, calming him down.

Boss: I feel like everything I had... Were gone, reduced to atoms.

???: I get your pain sir.. But why are you saying all of this to me?

The boss finally smirked, the question was answered with the hope he got as the agent just watched.

Boss: You have alot of potential kid. I can see it, so that's why I gave you the green light... As a mercenary.

The agent's eyes widened in shock.

Boss: You wanted that right? So I have a mission for you.

He grabs the picture of Alastor and gave it to the agent, as we transition to the city of Los Angeles where the couple was currently living at, cars were honking and driving while we cut to a building. The familiar agent was holding a powerful sniper in his hands as the words of the Boss echoes to his head.

Boss: You only have one oppurtunity. Kill the Radio Demon in any means necessary. Understand?

The close up of the scope that was aimed to the ground was seen, while the agent prays for the day. His eyes opened filled with determination.

???: I understand.. Sir.

Boss: Good, it seems we have an understanding... Deadshot.

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