Chapter 12: No More Holding Back

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3rd POV

Today's the day we witness another special presentation of disaster and brutality, courtesy of the DHORKS. The brother of the Boss made a very serious plan to finally kill one of the most dangerous Demons in Hell. But the real question is, how are they going to finish this?

The Boss explained a thorough explanation of the plan, with agents listening to every word he says, because this might be the most cruelest plan they've ever done.

The plan was to take the baby away from the couple and take it from the agency. They will experiment it whether it's a demon or not, she will be terminated either way since a demon giving birth is rare. Who knows what hidden powers the little girl has.

Now the plan was simple. Grab the baby, stall the couple, and let them torment till their mindset convulse. It's a really.. Hideous plan. Not only that but a plan just to set up a family is already disgusting itself. No words can be explained but they're going with it.

The buff brother is still thinking twice about this idea since first of all, the couple are always together no matter what happens to them. It's like the both of them are glued with one another but that is to be expected. What they do not expect is that they're still underestimating the Radio Demon.

They have enough information on where they are. And still, they want to pursue the family because of some demon heritage. I don't blame them though, it's really crazy to let a Demon live, even for Alastor. But let's get this straight. The first plan went extremely wrong and it led to the Boss' assassin to his gruesome death.

It enraged him. Let's just pray mercy for him room the other  day because hot damn it was messy and it was filled with broken stuff. Luckily, his deceased family portrait is still okay and it is still in safe hands.

Back to the real world. Alastor and Y/N were at their backyard as their pet cat Sulky layed on her daddy's chest. Her cute purrs resound the area as Alastor pets her soft ear.

The couple were having a break since they went out yesterday and met up with buddy John. He was now handling the restaurant that actually got bigger and made up some precious money. Of course, Alastor helped with that.

Y/N sighed, he's living the best life right now and it feels so great. A very loving wife and a successful business. Let's not forget the best feeling a man could ask for. Marrying their soulmate and getting a beautiful baby. Speaking of baby, D/N is a heavy sleeper but that's alright since babies tend to relax more when they sleep.

Alastor also sighed, she did not dream this kind of future but she's not complaining. The boy he dreamt of keeping actually got attracted to her and she didn't really expected it. Until days go by, both of them can't seem to get away with each other. Well, Alastor insisted on this relationship, and it kinda went well.

The day was normal like the rest, resting outside as Alastor leaned in to his chest. Cuddling was Alastor's weakness since Y/N really affected her with his warm hugs. He placed an arm to her waist and layed his head to hers, meanwhile their cat stretched and stood up as the usual grumpy face glanced to her owners and meowed cutely.

Y/N: Look at the little girl waking up. Did you get some nice sleep?

She meowed as a response.

Y/N: Was I warm enough?

Alastor: Are you really talking to her?

Y/N: Hehe, she's really smart once you get to know her.

Alastor: I'm sure she knows that hehe.

Y/N: Well, that's enough for now since I have to take care of our baby. Would you kindly fetch our little furball here?

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