Chapter 7: The Plan... Gone Wrong

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3rd POV

The sun rose from the sky followed by orange-red clouds that looked really beautiful and relaxing. It's spring day, and what better day to relax and have fun in the park.

Kids running around playing with each other, owners walking with their dogs, couples having fun. It was an amazing day. Especially for the L/N's.

We then transition to a very majestic looking tree in the middle of the park, you could say that it's Adam and Eve all over again. Y/N was with her baby gently caressing her deer ears while smiling like crazy.

Why? Because of her cute giggles. She's already so beautiful, just like her mother. Speaking of mother, Alastor was beside Y/N, resting in his lap with a smile on her face. Seeing her husband play with their baby girl makes her so happy. She remembers the time her mother plays with her since birth, and it was a blast.

Y/N then carried her baby girl while gently kissing her nose, she instantly giggled at the gentle kiss. This their heart melt, so cute, pure and innocent.. Too bad she'll be very hard to get in the next years.

Alastor sat up and kissed D/N cheeks, which again, made her giggle. She cutely raised her arms, asking for her mothers touch. Usually babies would cry for attention. But she's very smart for some reason.

Alastor didn't hesitate to carry the baby girl on her arms, and now it's her turn to play with their baby. This family is amazing. Just wanna say that.


We then change to a military base full of soldiers ready to work and is at attention. Their captain walked infront of the crowded men and saluted.

Unknown Captain: At ease.

The soldiers instantly listened at him while some familiar folks walked beside the Captain.

Buff Man: Captain. I have arrived.

Captain: Finally. What took you so long?

Buff Man: We had some talking to do. Anyways, your assistance have arrived.

The buff man stepped aside and saw the Boss of the Agents. Also with his trusted sidekicks.

Captain: I see. When will be ready?

Buff Man: At your command sir.

Boss: Captain.

The two stared at each other for a hot minute, at the end they shook hands smirked.

Boss: Pleasure doing buisness with you sir.

Captain: Of course. If you need any help, we got your back. Are these your agents?

Boss: Yes sir. They may not look like it, but they're tough.

His agents, especially the two looked at their boss with a face of "Really?". It was like he doesn't trust them.

Captain: They... Disappoint me.

The buff man and the boss chuckled at the Captains words. Although I couldn't say that to his own Agents, that's just plain savage.

Captain: Very well. We shall handle our plan privately. For now, get these so called... "Agents" to their rooms.

The three most important people in the area started to walk away while everyone dispersed to their important doings. The agents started to treat this base as their own for days to come.

The two brothers followed the leader to a very dark room. Possibly an inspection room, it's very clean and simple. There was a table in the middle of the room which lies a map of Paris.

Captain: I already heard this countless of times. There's no way in God's name there's a demon roaming this planet. And a powerful one at that.

Boss: We're telling you the truth sir. Because these pesky demons... Killed our family.

Captain: ..And how the hell is that my problem?

Boss: It's not your problem, I know that damnit... We just want you to help... For the sake of this world.. And for the sake of this generation.

Buff Man: We'll pay you double sir.

Captain: I don't need your damn money... (Sigh) Fine.

Boss: Thank you so much sir, I never doubted you. Okay, so here's her profile and backstory. We'll wait for your command and strike the target.

The buffed man took a brown envelope that he was holding hours ago. The Captain grabbed it and proceeded to analyze the Demon.

It took the two brothers thirty minutes for the Captain to give his opinion. I mean, he's not that old but he sure took his sweet time staring at that envelope.

Captain: ....She has her own family? What the fuck is this bullcrap?

Boss: I can assure you sir. She was also with her husband and baby.

Captain: You know I don't like these damn romantic jokes these days. You better not be pranking me here.

Buff Man: We promise you sir. All these statements are proven.

Captain: As much as I love to capture this Demon... I can't mess with a family.

However, the Boss didn't like what he said which made him slam his hand on the table in anger. His brother tapped his shoulder to calm him down before he could let loose.

This didn't faze the Captain one bit. It showed in his intimidating face.

Boss: What the hell do you mean you can't mess with a "Family". Sir! These people are hellborn hiding in plain sight! I bet the man is a demon aswell!

Buff Man: Quiet down bro. We're not here to fight.

Boss: Oh! So you're now in his side?!

Buff Man: That's not what I mea-

Captain: Enough!

It's the Captain's turn to slam his fist on the table. Angered and frustrated at the man sitting infront of him.

Captain: You people have no idea how we raise children-

Boss: So you're just going to let these monsters live! You're a maniac!

Buff Man: Bro-

Boss: Shut up! This is bullshit! Do you know how long I've waited for this moment?! To get revenge for my family?!

Captain: Mister. I don't think I like your attitude.

Boss: Kiss my ass you so called shitstain!

He stood up from his seat, litteraly flipping it down and walked out frustrated. His brother however wasn't happy aswell.

Buff Man: You messed up big time. Do you honestly think you would get away with this?

Captain: Threatening me isn't going to work youngster. You can kiss your ass goodbye out of this base.. Or I'll make you.

The two stared menacingly at each other for a hot minute, although the buff dude walked out of the room calmly unlike his brother.

Captain: ...F/N. Your son is in safe hands. I got you covered just like you asked.

He silently took out a photo of Y/N's dad and mom with the Captain himself in the middle. Turns out, Y/N's father was a soldier before and the Captain... Was his private.

Captain: I tip my hat to you... Captain.

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