Truth Awaits

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{Brandon POV}

"Hey babe!" Marla yells while jumping on him.

"Haha I don't feel this is a good thing to do pooh." I say picking her up.

"What don't feel right? We're at the beach together."

"No, not that. What about Rayne? She's my mate I don't feel right doing this to her."

"Then reject her!"

"Can't, I-I love her!" I said leaving her there and going to go find Rayne. I need to tell her the truth.

I don't know what's going on with me right now. I don't know about my feelings I'm pretty sure I want to tell Rayne what's going on I do miss her touch and crave it I really am still sorry for everything I have done that have ever hurt her in life. 

"Dude where you been?" Everybody said as I walked in the pack house.

"Vacation." I said in a dead, but harsh tone. I didn't mean it to come out that way.

I walked to Rayne room with everyone looking at me with confusion. I just shook it off.

When I get to Rayne door I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in. I held my hand up only to hear someone crying and throwing things around. I rethought about what I was about to walk into.

"Rayne?" I said just walking in. "Are you okay?" As I ran to her to cradle her in my arms.

"No, leave me alone. I know Brandon just leave, if you want to be with Marla..." she drifted off to being calm and looking in my eyes with hurt. "bye Brandon you have what you want." she said as she left me in her room to think.

"No Rayne you don't understand. I-I love you Rayne you are my mate, mine, my other half, I don't want to lose you. I know I was wrong for what I did I'm really sorry.

{Darius POV}

"Aiden you have to listen to me." I said walking up to him.


"Deshawn is planning on kidnapping Ka-"

{Aiden POV}

"Deshawn is planning on kidnapping?" Is all he could've said before he dropped to the floor with his neck broke. When I looked back up where Darius used to stand a dark figure came into view.

"I'm sorry" she said crying running off. She had to be a brave ass wolf to do that.

"She killed her own mate" I said mostly to myself.

"Yes she did."

{Freddy POV}

Where is she? I hope she is okay. I see Deshawn didn't capture her yet, she not here in the other cell they had for her.

"What's wrong?" I asked Emma. I didn't care anymore I might as well feel sympathy for her.

"I-I killed him...." She drifted off. "My mate." I had wide eyes she was still talking, but I ignored the rest.

After she said SHE killed her own mate, kind of made me scared.

"Its okay." Is all I could say before I said anything else her lips smashed into mine passionately, I had wide eyes once again.

{Kayla POV}

"Am I the only one who smell this? It's a strange smell." Marcus asked.

I didn't smell anything what the fuck he smelling. His breath? "Ha" I laughed out loud at my joke.

"Yea I smell it too." Austin said.

"Go get James."

While Austin went to get James, Marcus came over towards me.

"The smell is getting stronger." he said sniffing the air.

"She's pregnant dumbass."

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