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Sydney sat beside Daryl as she ate. She tried her best not to throw up over the smell of eggs. "Are you okay?" Daryl asked causing Lee to look at them.

"I'm fine. Just the smell." She said as she looked at Tommy and Carl eating.

"So..." Glenn says. "The barn is full of walker."

Sydney stopped eating and looked at Glenn. She didn't know what to say as the others started leaving.
The group went to the barn and waited for the next move. Sydney heard them started arguing causing her to walk away for a bit. "Dad!" Tommy says as he watched Daryl and Lee fighting Shane.

Sydney grabbed her head before sitting on the ground. Tommy looked at his mom and ran to her. The sounds of growling could be heard because of the yelling caused the walkers to hit against the lock door. "Sydney?" Daryl said as he ran to her. "Come on, let's get you to bed."

"I think that sounds better." She tells him as he helped her up.

Daryl caught her as she almost fainted. He looked at Lee who also was worried. "Go. I got Carol and Tommy."

Daryl nodded as he picked Sydney up and carried her off. His mind was now on her. Tommy looked at Lee upset. "Is mom going to be okay?"

"Yeah. She's probably pregnant."

"But she was shot."

"Yes, but I don't think the bullet got the womb though. She was holding her rib the other day. I think that's what's up and she doesn't know or she's not paying attention."

Tommy smiled at the idea of being a brother. He watched his mom and dad go inside the tent causing him to follow Lee as they have plans. Find Sophia.
When Sydney woke up, she didn't see Daryl meaning one thing. He was going to go searching. She sighed as she got out of the tent and saw Carol. "Have you seen Daryl?"

"In the barn." She tells her.

Sydney sighed as she walked towards the barn to see him holding his side. "What are you doing?" She asked causing him to look at her. "You're hurt, Daryl."

"I'm fine."

Sydney walked over and grabbed his face. "Look at me, damnit." She said. "I love you and you are going out there hurt. I can't lose you and neither can Tommy.'

Daryl saw a tear falling causing him to kiss her. Sydney smiled as she kissed back. When they pulled apart, Daryl took her by the hand and walked her towards the Cherokee flowers. She didn't know where he was taking her, but she wasn't going to stop him. Tommy saw them and ran towards them causing Lee to smile as he heard Tommy calling out to them. "She got him to not go." Carol says. "I don't want you getting hurt too."

Lee looked at her and sighed. "Come on." He said. "I have something to show you."
Daryl, Tommy, and Sydney went walking. They saw Lee and Carol before walking over to them. "Are you okay?" Sydney asked as she sat down beside her.

"Yeah. We'll find her soon." Carol says as she held Sydney's hand. "I have you four to keep that faith going."

Daryl and Lee looked at them as Tommy hugged them. Lee looked at Daryl. "I think I know what's wrong with Syd." Lee says causing Daryl to look at him. "Sydney may be pregnant."

"No." Daryl says. "There's no way."

"Think about it, man." Lee said. "She's throws up at the smell of food and when she wakes up."

Daryl looked at Sydney shocked as she sat talking to Carol. Sydney could be pregnant with his child. He didn't know how to be a father. Looking at Tommy a he walked over to him made him think about being a father. Sydney looked back at him and smiled. Lee watched him walk over and kissed her causing Carol to smile at the couple.
Walking back to the group, they noticed everyone on the porch. "Yeah you were. What the hell?" Daryl said as him, Sydney, Tommy, Lee, and Carol walked back.

"Rick told us he was going out." Carol said.

"Damn it. Isn't anybody taking this seriously?" Daryl says as Sydney held Tommy in her arms.

"We got a damn trail. Why isn't anyone out there." Lee says as he turned to see his brother. "Here we go."

Sydney turned to see Shane with guns. Daryl was handed a gun. "Are you going to protect your family?"

Daryl looked at Sydney and Tommy before nodding. They listen to Shane talking about how delusional Hershel is and that they have to make him understand that those people aren't people. "Oh shit."

Sydney looked and gasped as she saw Rick with a walker. Everyone started running over to the barn. "Daryl..."

"Stay with Carol."

Sydney felt Tommy and Carol hold onto her as they watch the scene unfold. The redhead thought time stopped when Shane killed one of the walkers Hershel and Rick had. "Mom?"

"Don't look." She tells him.

Tommy turned around just to hear something hitting chains. Sydney watched as Shane finally got the doors to the barn free and backed away. Her eyes widened as walkers came out. One at a time.

Guns firing had them watched in silence besides Rick's pleas with Shane. Once the last walker was killed, everything was quiet. Daryl walked over to Sydney just tor them to hear a growl. Everyone looked, but Sydney was hurt as was Tommy. "Sophia?"

"Oh god." She said with tears as Daryl held her and Tommy.

"Sophia!" Carol cried out as she ran towards her just to be held by Lee.

"Don't look." Daryl tells them.

Sydney buried her face in his chest as Tommy hid between them just tor the shot to go off causing Sydney, Tommy, Carl, and Carol to be the only ones to mourn the death of Sophia Peletier.

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