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Happy birthday for those on July 11th

Tommy smiled as he couldn't believe they finally got into the prison. He saw his parents kissing as Rick told them that they needed to search the prison to make sure it's safe. "Tommy, you stay with your mother. I will be back." He tells them. "Sydney, I love you."

"Be careful, honey." She tells him as he kissed her. "I love you."

Tommy watched some of them leave causing him to go to his mom's side. Sydney smiled as she pulled him into a hug. Feeling the baby kick, Tommy smiled as he couldn't wait to see what his mother was  having. He didn't care like his parents because he knew there will be more kids. "Mom, do you think we finally found us a safe place to call home."

"I think we did." She tells him. There will be times we will be under attack by the walkers, but we work together."

Tommy nodded as he looked at Lori. "I think you two will deliver at the same time."

The redhead looked at Lori and knew her son maybe right. The two could give birth anytime now. She just hopes Daryl is there to see her have the baby.
Waking up, Sydney saw Rick and Daryl bring back Hershel who had no leg. "What happened?" She asked as she walked over.

"Walker bit him." Rick tells her. "We need to find some medical supplies."

Sydney nodded as she went back over to the cell, but stopped as she gasped in pain causing Daryl to run to her side. "Baby?"

"I'm okay." She tells him. "Just having contractions. Any day now."

Daryl helped her back to the cell as Tommy looked at Rick. "Where's Lee?"

"Watching the remaining prisoners who survived." Rick tells Tommy. "He told Daryl to come back as Sydney doesn't have much longer till the baby is born." Rick looked at his wife. "We need to find food."

Tommy looked at his mom as she was cuddled up to his dad. He knew she was hungry, but she looked tired making him think of going on a run to get things for the baby. There was no crib, no bottles, even though his mom is planning on breast feeding, but the need supplies. He looked at Carl who nodded. They were going to see what they can find in the prison to help their mothers and Hershel.

"What do you think we're having?" She asked Daryl.

"I don't care as long as he or she is healthy."

"I feel twins. There's been an extra kick lately."

"Well, once the baby is born, we will see."

"I love you."

"I love you."

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