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Silence was all Sydney could hear. She didn't hear the crying of Carol or Tommy. Daryl held her and Tommy as Lee watched Carol storm away. "Sydney, go to the tent and rest. Okay?"

Sydney nodded as Tommy held her hand. They heard a scream and looked to see Beth being grabbed by her step mom. The two watched as they killed Annette once and for all. Daryl looked back at Sydney and Tommy. He sighed as he walked over to them. "Come on."

Sydney rested her head on his chest as they walked towards the tent. "Daryl?" They looked at Maggie. "Can I talk to Sydney?"

"Go check on Lee and Carol. Take Tommy with you." She tells him.

"Okay." He said kissing her before leaving with Tommy.

"I'm sorry..."

"I think I know why you have been throwing up."

"I have too." She said. "I think I'm pregnant."

"Follow me. I grabbed another test."

"Who else is...Lori."

Maggie nodded as the two walked towards the house. Lee watched the two walk away and looked at Daryl. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know." He said. "I think it's about Sydney being sick."
Sydney stared at the test in her hand shocked that she was pregnant. Her mind was racing till she remembered her and Daryl at the CDC, but she got shot. "How did the baby survive when I got shot?"

"You probably wasn't that far along." Maggie tells her. "You go tell Daryl or think of how to tell him too."

Sydney nodded as she walked out. She saw Daryl going to the funeral causing her to walk over to him. "Where's Carol?"

"She's not going." He tells her.

Tommy grabbed his mom's hand as he walked with them. Daryl wrapped his arms around Sydney as they watched the service. She felt a kiss on her head causing her to look at him and smile. "I need to tell you something later."

"Sure." He said.

Sydney sighed as they all started walking away, but Daryl dragged her somewhere else. "Where are we going?"

"To be by ourselves." He said.

Sydney nodded as she walked with him. Her mind was on how to tell Daryl that they were expecting a baby. Sitting down by a tree, the redhead laid her head against Daryl's shoulder as he started to sharpen a tree branch. They never knew about Hershel leaving or the fact that Rick and Glenn went after him. She sighed a she looked at the sky before falling asleep thinking of how to tell Daryl about the baby.
Carol saw them and walked over to them that night. "Daryl, I know you are spending time with Sydney, but we need you to go find Lori since Lee said no."

"Not my problem."

"Shane already went after her." Sydney tells her. "That man will do anything for that bitch and if you told him that she isn't here, he is already searching or her."

Carol nodded. "Don't do this." She tells them.

Sydney was confused by what Carol meant. Standing up, she walked to the tent to get her some blankets when she heard Daryl telling Carol the cold hard truth. She walked back over as Carol left. "That was rude."

"Someone had to tell her the truth. I have two people that I need to worry about. You and Tommy." He tells her. "When you got shot, I was torn because Tommy was out there and his own mother got shot. When you were still recovering, I made Rick watch you as I searched for Tommy till me and Lee found him." Sydney smiled at him. "Come here." Daryl wrapped the blanket around her. "I love you, Sydney."

"I love you, Daryl." She tells him. "Where's Tommy?"

"Visiting Carl." He said. "I think those two are like brothers."

"Yeah." Sydney said as she looked at him.

Daryl looked at her just for her to kiss him. Laying his knife down, he deepened the kiss.
From inside the house, Tommy smiled as he saw his mom and dad kissing by the fire. He made her happy.
The next day, Sydney woke up not knowing that Lori was back because of Shane. "Syd."

"Yeah." She said as she got out of the tent. "Where are you going?"

"We're going to search for Rick." He said.

Sydney saw a car approaching causing Daryl to look. They saw Rick get out with Glenn and Hershel. "Who the hell is that?" T-dog asked causing them all to see the guy.

"That's Randall."
Sydney didn't go inside as they were discussing the Randall issue. When the door opened, Daryl walked out. "I need to go interrogate him."

'Wait." She said causing him to look at him as Lee and Tommy walked out with Carol. "Daryl, I'm pregnant."

Daryl looked at her shocked, but kissed her. Tommy smiled as he was going to be a big brother. "Well, shit, another damn Dixon." Lee says causing them to look at him. "What?"

"Shut up, ass." Sydney says.

Daryl shook his head as he kissed Sydney. "I don't know much..."

"Dad." Tommy said as he looked at him. "You're an amazing dad."

Daryl knew in that moment he needed answers from Randall. If the group he was in is a danger to his girlfriend, son, and baby, he needs to be prepared to fight for them. "Let's go, Lee."

Lee walked away as Carol hugged Sydney. "Congrats, sweetie."

"Thanks, Carol."

The two women and Tommy started to go for a walk. They talked about anything even down to Sophia being in a better place. A place that she felt safe in. A place they all wished to be in one of these days.

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