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Summer's Pov

I  messed everything up. Big time.

I shouldn't have had full blown sex with Diamond because now I'm feeling things I've never felt before, damn near ready to cry over this girl because she fucking left.

Right after we had sex, she left.

Did I not do it right and she didn't know how to tell me? Did I taste okay? Did she not feel any of what I felt for her? Obviously not or she wouldn't have went back to her side of the house.

I paced back and forth in my room with a blunt in my hand. I was stressed.

I thought I did good when I went down on her...I thought her body's reaction to my touch meant she liked me just as much as I like her.

But I was wrong.

When I finished smoking, I crawled in bed and forced myself to stay off of my phone so I didn't text her. Stupid, I know. But I just wanted to talk and or be around her.

I could stare at her all day and night if she let me, that's how beautiful she is.

I wanted to breathe the same air as her. Kiss her lips whenever I wanted. I wanted to make her smile and admire her elf like ears because they're so damn cute.

Ughhhh. I definitely have it bad for her. And it doesn't even matter. She'd rather be alone than cuddle with me.

I fell asleep wearing a frown.

The next morning, I woke up in a mood. I thought maybe if I saw a text from Diamond I wouldn't be upset.

I was wrong. Seeing her text only made me sadder.

I'm really sorry 😔

I didn't want to text back because then I'll think about how easy it was for her to leave me high and dry with my emotions raging for her.

So I didn't.

I pull myself out of bed, trying my best not to think about the sex faces and beautiful sounds of Diamond's moans on my way to the bathroom.

It's hard.

All I can think about is her. The way she tasted. The way she sounded. The way she looked. The way she fucked and licked me.

My body shivered.

When I'm done washing up and brushing my teeth, I put on my favorite pair of grey sweats and a red tank top and then I left my bedroom and all thoughts of Diamond behind me.

"Soooo, how was it? You let her fuck?" Ash questioned as soon as she saw me enter the living room. I kept my composure and played it cool. 

It was just her in the living room, thank God.

"No, I wasn't ready."

"Why you got them hickies on ya neck then?" She crossed her arms and stared at me intently. I rolled my eyes and thought of something quick.

"We fooled around but-"

"What happened?" She cut me off.

"What?" I asked quickly. My eyes darted across the room trying to avoid hers as we stood in the middle of the room.

"You're my best friend. I know you." She said and raised an eyebrow.

Damn, she's right. She does know me.

"So what happened?"

"We had sex. I think I caught feelings for her and she just left. We took a shower together and I thought we were gonna smoke and cuddle and...just be together but she left." My face burned, remembering the rejection I felt laying in the bed we messed up minutes before she dipped.

"But why though? Like...she just wanted to fuck or what?"

"She had to make music. Said this." I motioned from me back to the grey door before continuing. "isn't what she came here for...and I know she's right. But..."

"Nah, she ain't have to fuck you and leave like that." She defended me with a scowl.

I smiled sadly.

"I really like her, Ash. And yeah, I know we're leaving in a couple days but I don't care about that."

Ashleigh looked down and bit the inside of her cheek. That meant she was thinking.

So I sat down on the couch and sighed dramatically while I waited for her.

"I'm sorry best friend but I dunno what you want to do...a long distance relationship? Do you even know where she lives or if she has a girlfriend already?" She asked cautiously because she could tell I was getting upset all over again.

"Umm...I know she lives in New York." I mumbled. "I don't think she has a girlfriend..."

If Diamond already has a girlfriend, I might die of embarrassment.

"Maybe that's why she left so suddenly but said it was 'her music'." Ash shrugged and lit a blunt.

Yeah, maybe...

Me and Ashleigh smoke two blunts and chill until noon. It was nice hanging with my best friend and when Treasure finally woke up around 12:30pm with a hangover, my mood was a little better.

"Your best friend drugged me last night." Treasure groaned as she sat on the other side of me and put her head in her hands.

I laughed when Ash blushed bright red.

"Girl." She smacked her teeth. "Don't believe shit she says. She got drunk as fuck off two mixed drinks and think somebody drugged her lightweight ass."

I laughed, smiling at the couple.

Ugh, I want something like they have. Something real that makes me feel things.

Something like Diamond.

"Anyways, what we getting into today?" Treasure asked.

I didn't want to do anything. Between trying not to think about Ana and now Diamond, I didn't see how I could possibly have a good day and it was already basically 1pm.

"Whatchu wanna do, best friend? Y'all heard from Hanna?"

I shook my head and said "Nope."

"She told me she's good, still with home boy from last night."

That didn't surprise me. Hanna met men everywhere she went, even the gas station. Ash rolled her eyes and then we heard soft music coming from the kitchen.

My stomach fluttered.

"I'm gonna catch up on sleep today." I told them and stood quickly.

Before Treasure or Ash could protest, I disappeared in my room and closed the door. I took a deep breath and walked over to the bed.

I'm tired. I didn't sleep well last night and that's all I want to do.

Thinking about Diamond can wait.

It's not like she's thinking about me..

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