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One more chapter!! Comment & Vote 😘

Diamond's Pov

Every day here is more bittersweet.

I keep finding myself battling between working on my song, and spending all my time under Summer.

At the same time, I know the more time I spend with her the less time she spends with her friends. She's spent half of her time on the trip crying, and the other half with me.

So I decided to make the big girl decision and work on my music after we let some balloons go on the beach for Ana.

It was hard, as soon as I told Summer I was gonna go on my side of the house she pouted.

I promised her I'd come back over after I was done.

I sighed sitting on the couch with all of my instruments and my whole set up.

I was trying my best to be productive but I just kept thinking of the fact that I only have a day left with Summer.

At first it was messing me up, then I realized I could use it.

First I made finishing touches for the notes, then I recorded the violin. Then the keyboard in the background.

It was hard to really focus. At first I was trying so hard to push Summer out of my mind, but as I let my thoughts of her flourish so did my music. I poured myself into it, adding in sounds that I didn't even know it needed.

After I was done I listened to the song like 5 times in a row. I'm so critical. I couldn't let them hear it if I don't love it.

I even played it while I was in the shower trying to let it sink in. It's just an instrumental, no lyrics, but it captured exactly what I was feeling. Love.

I finished my shower and changed into something more comfortable.

Then I listened to the song one more time. Ughhh I hope she likes it, because let's be honest... it's her song.

I made my way through the kitchen then poked my head through the door.

Damnnn, they been smoking this bitch out. I almost choked just opening the door.

Everybody looked high as fuck.

I sat by Summer, I missed her pretty face. I just wanted to grab it and kiss it over and over.

"Did you get your song?" She asked.

I leaned my head on her shoulder leaning into her warmth.

"I did" I said biting my lip.

I was sooo nervous to let them hear it so lucky her friends started up conversation.

Her one crazy white friend held two blunts up passing them our way.

Summer went to light one of them blunts but Hanna stopped her

"They're both for Diamond."

Damn she tryna smoke us all out.

My lips curled into a smile while Hanna told me she's glad I make her friend happy.

I teased her, bring up the Hot Pocket beef.

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