Chapter Eighty-Three

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Chapter Eighty-Three

Alice's throat clamped shut as Wallace began to knead her leg. Feeling like a trapped animal on a yacht in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean was not a good feeling at all. As quickly as she could, Alice got up, leaving Wallace balking on the sofa. “I think I need to get some air. Excuse me.” Alice said, making a quick escape to the deck of the craft. Max saw her approach and stood from the bench he was sitting on.

“Oh excuse me, Alice. I wasn't expecting company.” Max said, making to leave.

“Stay, please.” Alice replied, slowly walking over to the side of the yacht. Max nervously eyed the door to the interior, but stayed next to Alice just the same.

“You okay?”

“Not really.”

“What's wrong? Sea sick?”

“I guess so.”

“Then you might want to head back inside. The side of a yacht is not the best place to be if you're ill.”

“I can't go inside. The Chairman is . . . well never mind. I doubt you'd understand.”

“Try me.” Max said, giving off his best smile.

“Why are your teeth so white?” Alice asked, trying to change the subject.

“My wife is a dentist. But stop side-stepping the issue. What had The Chairman done now?”

“He wants me to . . . do things. And I'm not ready.” Max nodded his head slowly, taking in the idea of a woman telling The Chairman 'no'. “But he's really sick, and he's done so much for me, and for the girls, I feel bad.”

“Alice, sometimes we all have to do things we don't want to do. It's part of life. Take some time and enjoy your evening, but I doubt that The Chairman will walk away from this without some sort of a thanks from you.” And with that, Max walked away, as he pulled out his cell phone, leaving Alice truly alone for the first time that day.

Alice sighed as she rested her hands across the side of the yacht. As much as the water terrified her, it did have a strange calming effect on her as well. Maybe it was the gentle rocking of the boat, or the sound of the waves lapping at the hull, but the longer Alice stayed there, the better she felt. The only concern on her mind now was Wallace, who was obviously waiting for her.

Alice let her mind drift, far away from her present issues, and back to a happier time. She hadn't thought of Blake for a long time, but she found his face was the only thing that was popping up for the moment. She savored it for as long as she could, remembering every laugh line, every freckle, every crease. Alice thought back to the few short days where they lived together in peace and happiness. It felt like a life-time ago, although Alice could still remember every moment of it like it was yesterday.

A cough from behind her made Alice jump through her skin, and pull away from her longings. Turning her head, she found Wallace hovering in the door that led back to the interior of the yacht. Her time was up, and she knew it. She slapped a smile on her face and headed back towards the man who had taken everything away from her.

Crawling into bed with Wallace was hard, but Alice forced herself to remain calm and collected. The last thing she needed was for Wallace to think she was upset at the thought sex with him. They had done it before, and she could do it again. Maybe Wallace wouldn't mind if she turned the lights off; then it might be easier. Her heart began to beat furiously as Wallace slid into the bed next to her, pressing his warm body next to hers.

After a few awkward moments of silence, Wallace let out a sigh and rolled over. “What's wrong?” Alice asked, not really sure if she wanted to know the answer.

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