Chapter Sixty-Eight

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Chapter Sixty-Eight

I almost replied to Sam's question, before realizing that I now had the upper hand. Yes, I knew The Chairman's identity, but I wasn't about to give it up for free. I couldn't help but smile, knowing this was my chance to finally start getting some answers.

“I'm not telling you anything.” I said, watching the sweat drip from Sam's face. He turned the key in the lock and forced the door open, almost tripping on the way in.

“This isn't a game, Alice. Just tell me his name and I'll get you and Blake out of here.” Sam tossed me onto a bed, and I looked around enough to see that we were in fact actually in a half-way decent room.

Turning my attention back, I glared at Sam before inching myself as far away from him as I could manage. “You pig.” I spat, hating him now more than ever. “Rape me if you want, but I'm never telling you a God-damned thing!”

“I'm not going to touch you, silly girl. Just tell me.” He bunched his hands into fists, and I turned my head to avoid any oncoming blows. “I'm not going to hit you either. Jesus Alice, I'm trying my best, just hear me out.” I nodded my head, but still refused to face him. “Honestly Alice, I can't tell you anymore than I already have. If The Chairman were to find out, I'd be a dead man. But I'm not a bad person, really I'm not.” I felt Sam's hand glide up my naked back, pulling me into a warm hug. “Come on, let's get you dressed. Then we can talk more.” Sam stood and walked into an adjoining room, leaving me to finally take some time to check out my surroundings.

The bed was huge, layered with multiple pillows, and the most decadent red suede duvet I could have imagined. There were two side tables, one on either side, both with matching table lamps. A soft looking chair sat near the room Sam had just gone into, and several paintings hung on the tan painted walls. The place actually looked pretty nice, at least compared to the other rooms I had already been in.

Sam returned, coming back carrying some of the clothes I had packed to escape New Coven. “Here.” Sam said, handing me over the cashmere sweater I had worn when I first went outside with Blake, a lifetime ago. Seeing it made tears well up into my eyes. “What's wrong?” Sam asked me.

“I miss Blake.” I whimpered, trying to hold back the sobs.

“Hey, hey.” Sam started rubbing my back again. “He's okay, calm down.”

“He's not okay.” I wailed, letting go. “He's dead!”

“Don't be silly.” He replied, forcing my head to jerk up. “I just saw him right before I came and got you out of The Pit. He looked great, all things considering.”

“He's alive?” Hope was surfacing, and I couldn't stop myself from grabbing onto it for dear life.

“Last I saw, yeah. So, calm down and lets get you dressed. I don't have all night.”

I let Sam help me get dressed, and I was thankful for the clothes as he quickly got me covered. I felt like a human being again, and found it amazing what a simple set of clothing could do for a person. “Thank you.” I whispered, letting Sam sit down next to me on the bed. He was actually being nice to me, and it was becoming hard for me to stay mad at him. “I'll make you a deal.” Sam nodded his head, before I had even gotten the chance to tell him what I had in mind. “Get Blake out of here alive, and I'll tell you everything you want to know. Promise.”

“Anything else?”


“Deal.” We shook hands, sealing the deal. It felt good to know that Blake would be safe, even if it meant I had to stay here. He deserved to be happy, and this warehouse wasn't the place to ever find it. The door knob to the bedroom twisted and I could here the sound of a key being turned in the lock. I felt Sam rip his hand out of mine before he bolted off the bed. Within seconds he was standing straight as a board, both hands clasped behind his back as the door opened.

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