Chapter Ninety

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Chapter Ninety

I awoke to the sound of something crashing, bolting up out of my chair to figure out what was going on. Blake was attempting to reach over and grasp the present I had gotten him which was sitting on the bedside table. Apparently, in the process of trying to reach for it, Blake had managed to knock over the lamp. I quickly set about returning the lamp to it's original position, shooing Blake's hand away as I did so.

“Don't move around so much, Blake. You're going to give yourself cramps. Now, if you need something, all you have to do is ask.” Blake gave me a smirk before pointing at the present and then pointing at me. “Yes, it's my present to you. It's nothing special though, so don't look so excited.” I picked up the gift and tossed it into Blake's lap. “It's my day off today, Blake. If you don't mind, I'm going to go get changed. I'll be back in half and hour. If you need something, just press this button. Okay?” I set the 'Call Nurse' button into Blake's lap, right next to his Christmas present. Blake nodded his understanding and gave me a weak smile. Satisfied, I turned and left.

Becky was the nurse on duty for the ICU that day, and I made sure to let her know I was leaving, before running upstairs to the Nurse's locker room. After a quick shower, and an even quicker change of clothes, and I was back off and running through the halls. I was pretty sure most of the staff at St. Micheal's were used to seeing me jog around the place by now. Most people would see me coming and just get out of the way. Others liked to see if they could slow me down, especially if I wasn't dressed in my uniform.

After skillfully avoiding every road block, I made it down to the cafeteria in record time. The ladies behind the counter all gave me smiles and hugs as I rushed around the kitchen. Ten minutes later I walked back out, carrying my famous eggs and potatoes breakfast plate with me. I walked back into the ICU with a minute to spare. Becky smiled at me from the nurse's desk, and I only just caught her taking a deep inhale as I passed by. “There's more in the kitchen if you want it. I'll be here all day, I'm sure. If something comes up, I'll page you.” Becky's eyes grew wide, and she was out of the ICU in a flash.

I knocked on Blake's door, purposefully not giving him enough time to respond before yanking the door open. Fair was fair, and he owed me after all of the rude interruptions I had received from my time in that exact same bed. Blake lifted his hand, in it he was holding up the note pad. I drew closer so I could read it and beamed when I read his message. “You're welcome. You like it?” Blake nodded, giving me the first genuine smile since he had woken up. Apparently, my present was a success, and I returned his smile with one of my own.

Blake dropped his head and wrote me another message. 'What's for breakfast?' “Ah, ah, ah. No solids for you yet, Mister.” Blake pouted and rubbed his stomach in mock starvation. “Sorry Blake. You want to eat this, you've gotta start talking first.” Blake scribbled in his pad. 'I can't.' “You can too. Don't be a baby, your vocal chords were like the one piece of your body that wasn't broken in your assault. Besides, I've already heard you grunt and groan, so I know they work. It will hurt like crazy at first, but you CAN talk.”

“I'm not . . . a baby.” It came out sounding like gravel, but I was overjoyed with the sound of his voice.

“My apologies then, Dr. Hansen.” Blake smiled proudly and gave me a thumbs up sign before letting his head drop back down onto his pillow. I took the few moments of down-time to inhale my breakfast and tidy up the room. I knew Blake was watching me the entire time, but he didn't stop me from my work, and I didn't want to interrupt his rest.

A knock on the door once again broke our blissful silence. Sighing, I answered the door only to find half of the staff and faculty standing on the other side. News of Blake's sudden improvement had swept through the hospital like wild fire, and apparently everyone wanted to come in and see him. I sent many of them away, asking them to come back later. About a third of the group were actually people who knew Blake, and I gave them ten minutes to visit.

Blake seemed pretty overwhelmed by the whole situation, and I had to cut the visit down to seven minutes. “You really don't remember them, do you?” I asked after shutting the door behind me. Blake furrowed his brow in thought, but shook his head just the same. “Well, be patient. I'm sure it will come back to you.”

“It's frustrating.” Blake said, coughing afterward.

“I know. Believe me, I know.” I gave Blake a gently pat on his shoulder. “It may be the one thing I could honestly thank Wallace for; giving me back my memories. Dr. Nuardi should be in shortly with the results of your tests. He'll be able to help, I promise.” Blake nodded his head, slowly.

Not five minutes later, Dr. Nuardi made his entrance, leaving me tense and edgy as he silently checked over Blake's chart. “Well, Dr. Hansen,” Dr. Nuardi said. “It looks as if we have a bit of a problem.”

“What sort of problem, Doctor?” I blurted out before I had the thought not to. Dr. Nuardi gave me a quick glare before turning back to Blake.

“The result of your EEG shows some minor damage to your left temporal lobe. Your long-term memory has most likely been compromised due to this damage. Are you finding it difficult to remember your past, Dr. Hansen?” I watched in horror as Blake nodded his head vigorously. “Well, the brain is a tricky organ, Dr. Hansen. As you know, your body can heal the tissue quite easily, however the brain cells that have been damaged will never be able to heal. That and the internal bleeding you suffered during your arrival may have permanently damaged your brain beyond repair.

“Your best outcome would probably be some long-term memory restoration. Worst outcome would be for you to stay as you are now. There is some medication I can put you on to help with tissue regrowth, but as I said, it will not help brain cells. I'm sorry to bring you this sort of news, Dr. Hansen. But, I've always believed being honest is best. Do you have any questions for me?”

I watched as Blake nervously chewed on his lower lip before snatching up his paper and pen. To my surprise, Blake motioned me over and handed me the notepad. I giggled before showing Dr. Nuardi what Blake had written. 'Has he always been such an ass?' was written in Blake's still child-like handwriting. “I should tell you what he did to me the day I woke up in here.” Blake smiled at both me and Dr. Nuardi. Dr. Nuardi smiled back, but I could tell he was flustered by Blake's odd response to such heart-breaking news.

“Dr. Hansen, a pleasure as always.” Dr. Nuardi said, returning Blake's chart to it's place at the entrance of the door. “Nurse Wullburn, isn't it your day off?”

“Yes Sir.”

“Then may I suggest you go out and get some fresh air?” It was Dr. Nuardi's not-so-blunt way of telling me to get the hell out. I waved him away and returned to Blake's bedside.

“Don't worry, Blake. You'll get your memory back.” I said, more to myself than to Blake. My only hope now, was that I was somehow right.

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