Chapter One - The Waking

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Chapter One - The Waking

Alice felt as if a great weight was being lifted from her body slowly, painfully slowly. She wanted so badly to open her eyes to the darkness she knew would be there to welcome her, but as hard as she tried she couldn't manage to do so. It must have been a hard day, though she couldn't remember what had happened. That was normal however; it was always difficult, never knowing if it was night or day. Alice assumed she had been in the darkness for years but had no way of proving it. The ache that coursed through her entire body told her that whatever had happened before she was finally allowed to go to sleep must have been rough.

She pushed harder, willing herself to just open her eyes. It felt like an eternity had passed before she finally felt her eyelids flutter. Suddenly, her insides roiled. Something was seriously wrong. She couldn't yet place it, but she knew things were different. 'My box is too soft, that must be it. Come on Alice, open your eyes.' She thought. Why though? The darkness would not allow her to confirm her dread. 'Did I fall asleep on accident, in the wrong place? Oh God, please not that! Just open your eyes and get up! Fight Alice come on!' Finally, as if though a dense fog of sleep, she managed to get her eyes open a crack, ready to receive the darkness that surely awaited her. Then all hell broke loose.

The light was unbearable. 'Please! Send me back to the darkness.' She could barely see, but the fact that she could see at all was enough to make her stomach lurch. The light was sin. What had she done to deserve this? Alice screamed so loudly she thought her ear drums would burst, and her thoat felt like someone had stuck a pile of nails into it. 'Shit, I just screamed! What is wrong with you Alice? They'll kill you.' Talking was not permitted, let alone an outburst like that. She tried to get up, but was wrenched back down onto her back by wires and tubes that she too late noticed were attached all over her body.

'Jesus what were they doing to me?' Panic set in too quickly, and without thinking she began yanking all the cords out and off of her body. To her utter horror, the screeching noise that resulted was enough to make her want to faint. Bells and alarms rang out with such clarity that Alice began to uncontrollably sob. 'Just send me back to the darkness! Its quiet there, and I'll be good. I promise!'

Just as she got the last of the tubes off, three tall men, dressed all in white, came rushing up to her. Alice shrank back as far as she could, pressing her back up against a wall. She knew her punishment would be swift, and most likely deadly. Alice noticed now that she was in a small bed, and she curled up as quickly as she could and brought her arms up to shield her head. 'I saw red. Red? Color!' She hadn't seen color in so long! The men approached quickly, and the noise only got worse. They were talking to her. In her panic, Alice could not process the words coming out of their mouths, but as they spoke, she saw them reach for her.

She tried to shrink back further, but was already as far back as she could go. Strong arms grabbed her by her wrists and ankles. Alice's entire body went stiff, sending streaks of agonizing pain shooting across her body. It was reflexive, not an attempt of escape. She knew escape was ridiculous. Plenty of girls had tried in the past, and were always brought back.

The two men that had grabbed her, placed her back flat on the bed, while the third was screaming at others that Alice now noticed were near by. More people came, two women this time, which surprised her. They had bright garb on, instead of the all white that the men were wearing. One of the women handed the man who had been screaming something, while the second woman came and stood next to the bed where Alice was being held down. To her surprise, the woman did a kind service to her by beginning to silence a few of the alarms that had begun with her ripping off the wires. The noise and light was still unbearable. She forced herself to keep going however, knowing that she had to now face her punishment. 'Time to be strong Alice. Breathe.'

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