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   The light shining through the car window is blinding, so I change the focus of my eyes to my shoes instead. I didn't really want to move here, but ever since my parents divorce, Dad's been much worse than he used to be, so I guess you could say, I moved for him. It shouldn't be that bad though, I look like your average teen, brand clothes, trendy hairstyle, tall, just basic stuff to get you into a popular group at a new school. As long as I could remember, I've always been the popular kid, the boy that all the girls, and occasionally guys have a crush on. It doesn't really bother me, I like being noticed. 

   When Dad told me that we were moving to Salem, I just thought that it was going to build onto his depression, but now that were actually here, the depressing sight of it is actually quite beautiful. We used to live in New Mexico, probably once of the most boring places to ever live in the world, but it was home. I remember having to say goodbye to all of my friends, even my girlfriend. She tried to tell me that we would stay in touch forever and meet up one day to continue our relationship, but I doubt that's going to happen. She was too clingy for me, she always had to know what I was doing or who I was with. It got really annoying after a while. 

   After three hours of silence, my Dad finally decided to end it. "So, how did Amy take it?" I could tell that he was curious about my relationship with Amy, but I wasn't too sure how she really took the breakup. "She said that she wanted to stay in touch, but I'm not sure how I feel about that. New town, new people, you know what I mean?" He knew exactly what I meant, Salem was supposed to be a fresh start for him, but I might as well make it a fresh start for me too. "That's exactly why were moving here sport. Everything is going to get much better from here on out. Oh, here it is, home sweet home." As soon as he said "Home sweet home" I could feel my heart drop to my feet. I looked straight at the house, it was much nicer than it did on the pictures. "I didn't think it was going to look this nice." There were trees surrounding the whole house, and the backyard leaded to a forest. This might have just been the home of my dreams. "I know right, that's why I picked it out, It's not too far from your Grandma's house either." 

   For the next seven hours, Dad and I focused all of our attention to unpacking and getting our new house together. We've never been slackers, we like to get things done when they're put in front of us. After a long day of getting the house together, I went up to what is now my new room and took a look around. It's much smaller than my room back home, but it doesn't bother me at all, I actually might like this better. My body started to feel like the energy was just sucked out of it, so I decided to put some pajamas on. Black tee shirt and plaid pajama pants. As I made my way to my bed, I noticed something from my window. The house in front of mine. There was a girl in the window, dancing. I walked towards the window to get a better look at it. She looks so peaceful, happy. I was mesmerized by how beautiful she looked. It might have just been one of those things where someone looks pretty from far away but a total hag up close. But I didn't care, she look beautiful. But I didn't want to seem creepy, so after a couple minutes I went to my bed and fell asleep. 

   My alarm clock went off at exactly 5:00am. It was my first day at a new school. It's not that pleasing to go to a new school in the middle of the semester, when everyone's already decided who their friends are. But like I said, I'm a basic normal teen, so I've got a good shot at this. I got up from my bed, shut off the alarm clock and headed straight for my closet. I picked out a white tee shirt, black Champion hoodie, and some black Nike shorts. I thought that I looked pretty good. I made my way to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and got my self physically ready. After I looked physically pleasing, I went downstairs to see my Dad sitting on the couch drinking a beer. "Isn't it a little early for you do be drinking?" He looked over at me with a blank stair. "You wouldn't understand, you will one day." I hate when he says that. The only thing I understand is that he's still sad that Mom left him. That's why he's really drinking. "Well, I'm off to school now. Is it okay if I take the car." He didn't say anything, he just nodded. I said "Goodbye" and made my way outside and into the car. That when I saw her. She was standing outside of her house and staring at the sky. She was with someone else that appeared to be her brother. Even just standing there she looked beautiful. But the way she was dressed said something different. Normally I care about how girls present themselves, but the way that she was wearing the same thing she was wearing while dancing last night, it didn't bother me at all, it actually drew me in. But if I wanted to make it in this new school, I wouldn't be able to talk to her, or even like her. 

   I pulled out the drive way and made eye contact with her. She's not even my type, I'm not even sure why I'm so drawn to her. I looked away and started driving. I was a little nervous to restart everything I had already accomplished in my old school, but I was ready. I made my way to a stoplight when I saw her again. She was on the bus, looking at me like there was something on my face. She looked concerned. Neither of us smiled, we just both slowly looked away. When I light turned green, I looked back to see her, but she was still looking away, so kept driving. I wondered if she went to the same school as the one I was about to be in. But I hoped she didn't, I didn't want to cross paths with her again. As I pulled into the school and found a parking space, I noticed someone looking at me. In the car next to me, there was a couple of girls, looking at me and giggling. I looked to them and saw a blonde girl with blue eyes, exactly my type. I was immediately drawn to her. But I couldn't get the thought of the other girl out of my head, but she was gone, there was no way it would ever work anyways. I got out of the car, and so did the group of girls, They started walking over to me while pushing and shoving each other. The girl that I was eyeing approached me "Are you new?" I waited a couple seconds to answer because I couldn't stop looking at her. "Uh, yeah." She looked at me and smiled. She was just the kind of girl I could invest my time into, she was much prettier than Amy. "Salem must be different for you. Well I'm Sarah, and this is Mariah, Lisa, and Brianna, but we call her Bri. We can help you find your classes and introduce you to a couple of people if you'd like." I looked at them all while trying to memorize their names. "Yeah, sure, that would be great, thank you, uh-" she interrupted me knowing that I'd already forgotten her name "It's Sarah, try not to forget it." I looked at her all nervous like and said "Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, I don't think I'll forget it again." She and her friends looked at each other and started giggling. After they were done joking around with Sarah, they walked me into the main building and showed me where my classes were. We had about thirty minutes until we all had to go to homeroom, so they walked me over to some of their other friends. "Guys this is-" I had just realized that I never told them my name "Liam." Sarah looked back at me and then back at her other friends "Yeah, Liam. He's new so don't give him too much shit guys." Her other friends were all guys and then one other girl. They looked at me and one of the guys patted the table where they were sitting at, suggesting I should join them, so I did. For the next thirty minutes, I learned their names and we got to know each other for a little while. The guy that patted the table, his name was Noah, and the rest of the three guys that were there, I believe that their names were, Brandon, Luke, and Bowie, which was the girl. The day was already going well so far. I had made friends with the popular kids, and Sarah might come in handy for me in the future. When the bell rung, I made my way to homeroom. Apparently me and Sarah had the same homeroom, so we walked there together and she told me to sit next to her. But that's when I saw her again.

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