Liam (A couple weeks later)

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   It's been a month. The same thing has happened everyday. I think I really like Rosalie. But would I ever date someone like her? I don't know. It just doesn't feel right, but at the same time it does. Sarah and I are sitting together at lunch, with the rest of the group. There all talking about something, but I can't stop looking at her. She's reading a book, I want to know what book. Maybe I should get up and ask her or something. I don't think It'd be a good idea. As I keep staring, I hear someone call my name. It was Sarah. "Liam? Do you want to go to Junior Prom with me, I know that It's a couple months from now, but I just want to claim you before someone else does." I heard the question, but I still wasn't really paying attention to it. "Uh, yeah, sure, I'll go with you." All the girls at the table screamed and giggled. Man, could they be anymore annoying. The only thing I was really looking forward to was seventh period. It was the only thing I've looked forward to these past few weeks. Talking to her was the highlight of the day. 

   When it reached seventh period. Rosalie didn't say much at first, she looked like she drifted away. Her body was there, but she seemed empty, like her mind was somewhere else. The teacher started babbling on about how were going to have a partner project. He said the person that were sitting next to is our partner for this project. I looked over at Rosalie, but she still seemed empty. The teacher then said that the project was about painting a beautiful sight with your partner in a beautiful place in Salem. When he said that, I could only imagine painting Rosalie. Would I even paint her good, would it look bad? I can't even think about anything else besides that. I looked over to Rosalie, still empty. So I decided to talk. "Are you okay?" As soon as I said that, it looked as if I snapped her back into reality, but she didn't look too pleased about it. "Yeah, just tired I guess." Something was telling me that she wasn't just tired, but I was glad that she gave a response. "Did you hear what he said?" She looked confused, so I told her what the teacher said. "So were partners huh. Guess we have to be involved with each other after school then." When she said that, I felt really flustery inside. I liked the way thinking about her made me feel. "Yeah, your house or mine?" She looked at me. "Definitely mine new kid." It's been a month, so I was no longer the new kid, but it didn't bother me that she was still calling me that. 

   After school, I did the usual, drove Sarah home, she kissed me for a couple minutes and then she went inside her house. After I parked the car in my driveway, I got out and stood in front of my house and waited for Rosalie. When the bus approached me, I felt really excited. The bus stopped, and she walked off. We stood there looking at each other. The bus drove away. We were still staring. "Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go." She started walking towards her house. So I followed her. As we were walking, I kept imagining what her room looked like. I wonder if it shows who she is. I wonder.

   We walked into her house and made our way upstairs to her room. I barely got a chance to look at the rest of her house, so I'm not too sure about what it looked like. It was very modern thought from what I saw. I wonder if her room looks like that too. We walked into her room, and I realized then that I was completely wrong. It was not modern. I was her. Her personality all over her walls. Her ceiling had her handprints painted all over it. The walls were painted black, but you could barely see it because there were so many posters on her wall. The posters were mainly bands and shows. It looked really cool. Much better than how my room looked. She looked right at me as she sat on the bed. "I'd say sorry for the messy room, but then again, I'm not sorry at all." Her sarcasm actually makes me laugh. "The messy room actually suites you." She looked a me and started laughing, we were laughing together. "Well let's get started. Where do you want me to pain you new kid." I looked at her with concern. "Who said you were painting me?" She started laughing again. "So you, want to paint me?" I didn't know why that confused her. "Yeah, I do want to paint you." She looked a bit happy that I said that. "Okay, I want you to paint me at Walter Wirth. I'll wear a dress or something so I look good for the painting. You better be good Picasso." It seemed that she's given me another new name. I like this one better than new kid. "I'm actually a pretty good painter." I wasn't lying. I was an actually good painter. I used to paint with my Mom. All the time actually. "Well, that's good to hear. We don't have to do it until a while. So what do you want to do now?" I said what I wasn't thinking. "I don't know." What I was actually thinking about was how badly I wanted to kiss her. But I kept it inside. "Have you ever snuck out before?" I can't believe that's what she asked. I wasn't expecting that. "No, I haven't." I always wanted to though, I wondered what it would be like though. "Okay, then let's do it." I can't believe that she wants to hang out with me. Normally I'm the one that does everything because she's so stubborn. "Uh, okay, when?" She looked at me realizing that I was new to all of this stuff. "Give me your Instagram, I'll text you about it. But for now, you should go, I'm tired." I wondered if she was actually tired, or if she was just trying to get rid of me. "Okay, It's Liam_Montez" She grabbed her phone and typed it in. "There I followed you, now get out." 

   I went home. But now I'd have to wait for her to text me. How long would that take? I hope she texts me soon. I feel a bit alone right now. Even though my Dad wont admit it, he's hungover, so I'm letting him sleep for a little while. But I wasn't doing anything besides laying down on my bed and waiting for her message. 

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