Liam (It's her I wanted)

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   She's not here. She hasn't been here all week. I'm in seventh period. I had to present our painting alone because she wasn't here. We both got A's. Although she'd been gone for a while. I haven't forgotten what she looks like. Sarah isn't here today either. She wanted a head start for tonight. She wanted to look her absolute best. But I didn't want to see her. I wanted to see Rosalie. 

   I stood up from my seat. Everyone turned to look at me. I think the teacher said something to me, but I couldn't hear her. I ran out of the classroom and didn't stop running. I ran all the way to my car, got in, and started driving. I drove all the way to Rosalie's house. I got out of the car, and went up to her front door, and started banging. Her Mother answered the door. "Can I help you?" She looked exactly like what I would assume Rosalie would look like when she's older. "Is Rosalie home?" She looked at me like she didn't expect me to say those words. "Uh, yes. She upstairs in her room, come right in." I rushed my way up the stairs and into her room. I opened the door and there she was. Standing there. Faced away from me. Her room was clean. It didn't suit her. "Where have you been." She turned to look at me. "What?" I didn't understand. Did she not here me? "Where have you been?" She's still looking at me. It feels like she's looking through me. "I didn't want to go." She didn't want to go? Was it because of me? "Was it because of me?" She looked a bit angry now. "Not everything is about you buster." As she spoke, I realized that she's never said my name before. "It's Liam, Liam Liam! Is it that hard to remember!" I felt bad for shouting, but her not going to school all because I kissed her, it made me feel angry, like she was being selfish. "Yeah, sorry asshole! That is your name right ASSHOLE, ASSHOLE, ASSHOLE!" I've never heard someone so angry before. "You don't know me! You don't know anything about me! Fuck all the nicknames I gave you before. Your one real true name is ASSHOLE! I hate you! I hate you for making me feel this way! I was fine the way I was before, but you had to come and change everything! What the fuck is wrong with you!?" Right then, I knew I shouldn't have come here. "Look, I'm sorry if I made you feel bad or something, but get over it. We didn't really do anything that crazy together, I should be nothing to you!" She looked as if her body filled with complete rage. "NOTHING!? NOTHING TO ME?! You played with my feelings multiple times! Get out!" I looked at her in confusion. How could I have made someone feel this angry. "What?" She looked right into my eyes. "GET OUT!" I heard her completely this time. "If I leave, this is over. Everything that happened, it wont ever happen again. I'll completely forget about you forever. It'll all be over. Is that what you want!?" She didn't say anything, she just looked at me. I could see the tears trying to fight the urge to fall from her face. I knew then that, that was what she wanted from me. She wanted me out of her life. 

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