Liam (I can't stop looking at her)

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   Rosalie, Rosalie, Rosalie. I said it in my head over and over, I couldn't get her out of my head. Why can't I get her out of my head. I turned around and looked at her, I think Sarah might have noticed, because she said something about Rosalie liking me. I knew it was a joke, and normally I laugh at these kinds of jokes. But something was keeping me from laughing. Did I hope that she liked me? Why was everyone so mean to her? I kept asking myself questions like these until I heard the bell ring. I told Sarah that I had to go to my locker, and since we didn't have the next class together, I'd go and find her later on. 

   I walked down the hall to my locker. And there she was, right next to me. We were looking right at each other. I guess I might have been wrong because she did look pretty up close, in fact, she was the prettiest person I'd ever seen. I tried to fight the urge to say something but I couldn't help it. "Why does everyone give you such a hard time?" She turned around like she didn't think I was talking to her. But once she noticed that it was her I was talking to, she looked back at me. "Everyone has labels Liam. People can't help but give them out to people that they hardly know. So of course, if you didn't know already, my label is "Freak."" I couldn't help but feel bad, normally I just listen to rumors and join in with everyone. She was different though. "Why don't you ever stand up for yourself?" She looked at me in confusion. "Why are you talking to me, why do you keep looking at me, if you want to say something as an orientation in their what I like to call sorority, then do it already." I didn't want to say anything bad to her, I just wanted to look at her. "I don't-" Before I could even get my sentence out, she started walking away. I tried to walk toward her again, but I heard someone call my name. It was Luke. He must've seen me talking to her, because he seemed like that's why he wanted to talk to me. "Why were you talking to her? Out of all the girls man, you don't deserve a reputation like that on your first day." I didn't really know why I talked to her. "I just wanted to know if the rumors were true or not, I just wanted to know what kind of person she was." He looked at me like he understood. "Well, just don't let Sarah see you talking to her, you don't need her on your back. She likes you man, don't mess it up, because any guy in this school, would love to bang Sarah." I was a bit uncomfortable with Sarah already liking me, as she just met me. But I didn't care. All it meant was that I was in, I was in with the group of people I need to be involved with. 

   I wondered if I had any more classes with Rosalie. As the day went on, I realized that I had all of them with her. In seventh period we had assigned seats, and he assigned me to be right next to Rosalie. I could see it on her face as I approached the seat next to her, she didn't want anything to do with me. I didn't know why, but I felt so connected to her. I was a bit happy that I got assigned to sit next to her. "So, is this class hard?" She didn't even look at me "If using your imagination is hard for you, then yes." It's an Art class, how is it hard, why would I say something like that. "Oh, I was just trying to make conversation." She looked directly into my eyes. I don't know if she was aware of it, but she could make a room feel very cold. "Art doesn't require you to speak, you only need you mind and your hands. So I don't need your pity conversations." I didn't like how stubborn she was being. After all I was just trying to be nice to her. It made me wonder if anyone is ever nice to her. "Well actually, music is also apart of art, so someone's voice can also be art." She looked more interested in what I had to say. "What would you know about music? You probably only listen to music that plays on the radio. Music with no good meaning to the lyrics what so ever." I can't believe that she was questioning my love for music. She doesn't even know me, so who is she to judge me. "Well actually, I'm more into the oldies. So don't just assume stuff about me." Her face turned sour. "So now you know how it feels. Well, what's your favorite song?" I know I should've stopped the conversation right there, but something about her made me want to keep talking. "She's Always a Woman." She looked more calm, more into the conversation that before. "Billy Joel. The song about a manipulating woman but the man can only see the beauty in her, even though there isn't really much." She knows Billy Joel. Maybe there's much more to her than just her looks and the rumors given to her. "Yeah, the song sounds beautiful, even though the lyrics are talking about a bad woman. I just like the song." She couldn't stop looking at me. I'm pretty sure that we were supposed to do some kind of assignment, but we just talked the whole time. Once the bell rang, I felt kind of sad, because now I'd have to wait a whole day to see her once again. I wonder if she enjoyed having a conversation with me. I hope that she did. 

   I was walking to my car when Sarah ran up to me. "Hey, so Mariah already left, do you think you could give me a ride or something?" After talking to Rosalie, every other girl in the world instantly became unattractive to me. I mean, I just met everyone. Today felt so long, like today determined everything for me. "Yeah sure." We got in the car, she looked like she was hoping for something to happen. I don't understand this at all, she just met me, does she really expect something to happen. "So, someone told me that you were talking to Rosalie, I mean, I have nothing against it, but you should know everything she's done. She's not a good person, I want you to have a good high school career, but talking to someone like her, It's not good. She'll only get you into trouble. Plus, she's lesbian, so if you thought that there was going to be something romantical between the two of you, then there won't be. I know that she's lesbian because she kissed me at a party when we were in tenth grade, and she grabbed my boob." That whole drive to her house all she did was tell me how bad Rosalie was. Even though I was listening, I didn't believe anything that she was saying. I just couldn't believe it, even if I wanted to. When we pulled up to her house, I realized that she was my neighbor. "This is it, thanks for dropping me of." She was leaning in to kiss me on the cheek but I spoke so she stopped. "I actually live right next to you." She looked at me, and then the house next door, which was mine. "Man, we both live next to her, that sucks. Well anyways, talk to you later I guess." I looked at her and nodded. She closed the car door and walked up her driveway and went in her house through the garage door. I pulled out of her house and into mine. I walked out of the car and heard the bus coming. I heard her. Well I didn't hear her, but I knew that she was going to be coming off of that bus. 

   The bus stopped right in front of my house. There she was, looking at me. She stood there right in front of me, looking at me as the bus drove away. "Are you waiting for me or something new kid?" I looked at her for a moment before speaking. "Oh, well, I actually live here and the bus just conveniently stopped right in front of me." She looked at me and began laughing. "Yeah, I know that you live there stupid, I was just messing with you." I wanted to invite her in, but I just met her, so I didn't want to sound weird or anything like that. "I have to go now, so see you later new kid." She turned around and started walking away. "I have a name you know!" She heard me, but she didn't turn around or say anything.

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