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❀ ₊⁻∘・ Now Playing: ❝love, me normally - will wood❞
[▶︎/❙❙/◼︎/⟳] 2:19 ⸠——❍—————⸡ 5:44・∘⁻ ₊❀.

"do you think that mr. lee has ever done this to anyone before? like, i don't know, what if he killed his son?" jun-heo questioned as he sipped his water, earning an odd glance from his friend.

"you really think he could kill his own son?" yun-hee asked with a raise of her eyebrow.

"maybe? we don't know how his brain works. killers are weird."

"well, yeah, they're killers, jun-heo. of course they would be weird." yun-hee replied before standing. "i have to use the bathroom, i'll be right back." jun-heo nodded as he watched yun-hee stand from their seat on the ground of the walkway.

yun-hee smiled as she pushed her hair behind her ear, moving from a walk into a jog as she spotted nam-ra just ahead of her."hey, madam president!" yun-hee spoke up as she caught up to the older girl, tapping her on the shoulder.

nam-ra turned her head slightly, looking a bit confused as yun-hee smiled widely over to her. "you know, those things are pretty bad for your ears when you use 'em a lot." she explained as she pointed to the other girls ears.

"they block out everything." nam-ra answered quickly.

"why do you need to block things out? i mean you're class president." yun-hee questioned as she glanced down to the slightly-shorter girl.

"exactly. but i'm not class president because people like me. it's because my mom donated so much money, the school didn't really any other choice, yun-hee. almost no one else but you actually calls me their president." the older girl explained, watching as yun-hee laughed lightly. "what? why are you laughing?"

"nothin'. that's just the most you've ever actually spoken to me. at one time that is. i think you're starting to like me, madam president." she teased, leaning down slightly to be eye-level with nam-ra. "see you around."

she turned around, hiding the blush that was rising to her cheeks as she walked away from nam-ra. her hands were shaking as her heart beat fast, being that close to nam-ra made her feel something. her heart rate rose, her hands became clammy and shaky, her mind became clouded, she was unable to think straight. yun-hee's normal cool and teasing personality was hard to maintain when she was around the older girl.


yun-hee walked slowly, her attention focused on picking at the hangnail on her right hand. students ran past her suddenly, one bumping into her shoulder, pushing her to the ground. "asshole!" she shouted watching as the boy frantically ran to the courtyard along with a few others.

a set of hands wrapped around her left arm, pulling her to her feet. yun-hee's head whipped to the side, spotting nam-ra holding onto her and jun-heo stood behind her with a scared expression. "did you see that kid, he ran right into m-"

"yun-hee, shut up. we've got to go." jun-heo reprimanded, grabbing onto her other arm as he and nam-ra started to pull her back the way she came.

"what is going on?" yun-hee questioned as she stumbled along. "did a rabid dog get on campus or something?"

"there are students eating each other." nam-ra answered shortly.

"what? i don't understand.." the taller girl spoke, slowing down her walk as she glanced around, spotting many students running around the courtyard and jumping on one another.

"we have to go, yun-hee. right now or we will die, do you understand me? questions later." nam-ra exclaimed harshly as she pulled her back into a run.

"jesus, okay. yes ma'am." yun-hee spoke quietly.

their classmate, beom-soo, a sophmore, rushed into the small group of fleeing students, pushing a girl to the ground. the boy had blood stained on his face and clothes, mostly surrounding his mouth. he snarled as he lurched forward, digging his teeth into the girls neck as she screamed.

"come on, this way!" nam-ra shouted, tugging her and jun-heo away from the others and down the sidewalk along the courtyard.

the three ran, nam-ra and jun-heo holding tightly onto yun-hee. rounding the corner they watched as three deranged students, attacked the gardener, pulling him off his ladder as they tore into him. "look, there. the ladder. go, go!"

jun-heo pulled the fallen ladder up, aiming it for a classroom on the second floor with slightly opened window. "you first." nam-ra told, placing a hand on the girls pack as she pushed her forward. yun-hee nodded, knowing that if she argued the three of them would surely be harmed by the other students.

as she reached the top of the ladder, a pair of hands moved to the window, starting to close it as yun-hee slammed a hand onto the glass. the window reopened, su-hyeok pushed his head out. "yun-hee!" he shouted as he pushed arms out, assisting the girl in coming through the window. as soon as she was in, he went to shut the window once more, before yun-hee lurched forward, slamming it back opened as she reached down, jun-heo was the next up, leaving nam-ra to hold the ladder for him.

he climbed in, using yun-hee's shoulder to pull himself through, almost falling onto the floor as he did so. yun-hee looked down, watching as nam-ra stared up at the window, waiting for the 'okay' to climb up. looking to the side, yun-hee noted the deranged student running full speed toward nam-ra.

"nam-ra, get up here! now, hurry!" yun-hee shouted, reaching both her hands out the window, holding them out for when nam-ra got close enough to the window that she would be able to assist her climb in.

her arms wrapped around nam-ra's, pulling her as the crazy student slammed into the ladder, causing nam-ra to almost fall. "i got you." yun-hee exclaimed as jun-heo pulled on her waist, making sure yun-hee didn't fall out the window.

nam-ra stumbled in through the window, her foot snagging on the ledge casuing her fall into yun-hee's arms. yun-hee pushed her heel back, stabilizing her footing to assure that the both of them wouldn't fall to the ground. "are you okay?" yun-hee spoke, looking down at nam-ra who looked terrified.

she nodded slowly sending a small smile up to before looking back at where dae-su was now pushing the window closed. nam-ra placed her hands on her knees, supporting herself as she attempted to catch her breath. yun-hee panted as she moved her hands off the other girl's arms and pulled jun-heo into a hug as the both of them panted, using one another for support in standing.

"it's what cheong-san said isn't it? zombies?"

"zombies? seriously?" jun-heo questioned.

"well, what else could those things b-" as cheong-san spoke, a supposed 'zombie' slammed it's hands onto the glass of the door, rubbing it's face along the window.

"yeah. it's fucking zombies."

hello!! el here! thank you so so much for the support i've seen on the first chapter of this book, it means a lot :) please keep the comments coming, i really appreciate them and it makes my day!!

thank you, guys!!

     -el </3

ps: check out my new edits page on tiktok, it's @mothyfrog  ! i've posted a bunch for these two gals and a couple for a different fic. it would mean a lot for the support! </33

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