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[▶︎/❙❙/◼︎/⟳] 1:48 ⸠——❍—————⸡ 4:05・∘⁻ ₊❀.

"do you think our parents are alive?" jun-heo asked as he glanced over at her. 

"well, both of my parents aren't hyosan, and hopefully it hasn't spread that far." yun-hee started, picking at her fingernails as she looked over to her friend. "but, i'm sure your mom's okay. she's way to cool to die from zombies."

jun-heo nodded as he thought about his mother, sniffling at he wiped his nose. "hey, hey, it's okay. i'm sure your mom got out, that she's safe at a quarantine camp waiting for you."

 "i'm really scared that i might've lost her, and i don't even know it." the boy explained as he looked down to his friend. "i didn't even say 'bye' to her this morning. i just left. i can't even remember the last time i told her that i love her." 

yun-hee bit down on the inside of her cheek as she pulled him in for a hug. if there was one difference between jun-heo and the other boys at hyosan high school, jun-heo wasn't afraid of his feelings. he told everyone how he felt, he wasn't scared to cry in front of people. 

and that was one of the things yun-hee found most refreshing about him. through her entire life, feelings and emotions were something that wasn't spoken of or talked about, whatsoever. her parents never said 'i love you' or 'i'm proud of you'. it was something she had come to terms with in her life, it just wasn't who her parents were. 

but, when jun-heo sauntered into her life at the beginning of their freshman year, he was like a breath of fresh air. someone she could tell her feelings to, get attention and affection, someone she could feel truly loved by. 

ever since they met and quickly became friends, they told each other everything. no matter what the emotion was, if it was good or bad, or if it was simply telling the other they were having a bad hair day. they knew how to comfort one another, and they were good at it. 

affection and words of affirmation was what helped jun-heo the best, being held by someone or even just having a hand rested on his shoulder made him feel more secure. having someone just be there is what soothed yun-hee. knowing that someone was there, in the room, simply with her made her feel better. she didn't need a hug, or for someone to hold her hand, although sometimes it did help. 

it was simply how the pair worked. they had developed their system and strengthened their bond as they supported one another. 

and right now, in fear of losing his mother, jun-heo needed yun-hee's support more than ever. 

so, she held him. rubbing his back as she hugged the boy, not caring who say or what they were whispering to one another. jun-heo needed her, and that's all that mattered. 

she pulled away slightly, looking him in the eyes as she placed her hands on her shoulders. "no matter what happens, or what has happened, i'm here. i'm here for you and i always will be." jun-heo nodded, unable to form words as he choked back a sob, moving to lean his head on her left shoulder. "we're alive and we're together. and we're going to be okay." yun-hee told, raising her chin to rest on the boys head. 

yun-hee glanced up, spotting the soft stare from nam-ra. nam-ra's lip quirked up as she glanced away, a light blush rising to her cheeks. the shorter girl bit down on her lip as her hand raised, giving yun-hee an awkward thumbs-up. 

"ms. park, it's been more than thirty minutes but he still doesn't want to come out." cheong-san said as he stepped away from window on the door. 

the woman sighed as she glanced over to na-yeon. "i'll see what i can do."

"what's wrong with him?" su-hyeok asked as he and the others, aside from nam-ra and na-yeon, stood, moving to look into the room.

"he looks okay to me."

"he's fine. i knew it."

"i don't understand why he's being so stubborn?" cheong-san spoke as he tilted his head to the side. 

yun-hee's eyebrows furrowed as she looked over to cheong-san. "he was accused of being infected, if i was him i wouldn't come out either, at least not without an apology." she finished, earning an odd look from her classmates. "what? you can't tell me you wouldn't do the same."

miss park soon stepped out the door, looking to the students with her hands in her pockets. "he said he's staying the full hour."

"god, he's pissed."

"i'll go in." cheong-san announced.

"why would you go?" ji-min started. "if anyone should, it's na-yeon. yun-hee's right, she needs to apologize."

"thank you, ji-min. i'm almost never right." the brunette replied with a proud smile.

na-yeon scoffed, rolling her eyes as she crossed her hands over her chest. "and why should i?"

"he's like that because of you." ji-min told.

"what did i do?" na-yeon asked with an innocent expression. 

"oh, like you don't know."

"was it wrong to suspect him?" the girl asked with a tilt of her head. "you did too. everyone did, it wasn't just me."

"i always believed him" cheong-san brought up.

dae-su nodded as he raised his hand. "me too."

"i defended him, so you know which side i'm on." jun-heo said as he wiped his nose. 

"well, i didn't believe him. but i didn't insult him like you did." ji-min continued. 

na-yeon scoffed as she rubbed her palms on her skirt. "why are you picking on me?"

"'cause you deserve it."

miss park sighed as looked between the two girls. "that's enough, ji-min." the teacher reprimanded before walking over to na-yeon, leaning down slightly to be eye-level with her. "you remember your promise, right? after thirty minutes, you'd apologize."


"well, it's been thirty minutes." miss park said as she readjusted her posture.

"alright." na-yeon start as she looked at the other students in the room before walking towards the recording room. 

"at least she's apologizing." dae-su said slowly. 

yun-hee raised her eyebrow, watching as na-yeon slid her hand into her pocket. "i don't know. something feels off." she said as nam-ra stood, walking to look over yun-hee's shoulder; her mouth falling slightly agape as na-yeon wiped gyeong-su's hand with her handkerchief. 

nam-ra's breath slightly halted as she tilted her head, drawing the attention of the girl who stood in front of her. yun-hee turned her head, noticing nam-ra's expression. "hey, are you okay?" yun-hee asked softly. 

"i think-" her words were harshly cut off as gyeong-su burst out the door, starting to lunge at na-yeon before being held back.

"come back here, you piece of shit!" gyeong-su yelled as he fought to push through his friends.

"woah, woah!" 

"wait, wait, what?"

"gyeong-su, what's wrong?

"you're a fucking.. you're such a fucking cheat!" gyeong-su cried as he glared at na-yeon. "she just told me that.. she said. she didn't apologize!" 

hey, it's been a while lol. i got kind of unmotivated and suffered some writers-block. and i'm still not super happy with this chapter, but it's as good as it's going to get.
please don't forget to comment and vote! i love reading all of your awesome comments.
hope you've all had a great day, or will have a great day; and don't forget to drink some water!

also, please check out my tiktok edits account! it's @mothyfrog :)

-el <3

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