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❀ ₊⁻∘・ now playing: ❝devil town - cavetown❞
[▶︎/❙❙/◼︎/⟳] 1:12 ⸠——❍—————⸡ 2:59・∘⁻ ₊❀.

"it's not a bite. it's a scratch. whoever wants to check, come look." cheong-san told, holding his friend's hand up to show the group.

"it's a scratch?" dae-su asked slowly.

yun-hee stood on her toes, looking over su-hyeok's shoulder down at gyeong-su's hand. "there's no way that's a bite. it's just a scratch." the girl spoke up, biting the inside of her cheek.

"ms. park, look."

"well, it really doesn't look like a bite. thank god, it's just a scratch. he's okay." the teacher concluded.

"done yet?" gyeong-su asked na-yeon with a tilt of his head. "i said, are you done with me now?"

"wait." joon-yeong spoke up, holding the keyboard up. "this means the computer is gone. no internet.."

dae-su sighed as he glanced over to gyeong-su. "couldn't you have thrown something else instead of the computer?"

"what was i supposed to do? yun-hee and her mighty little stick wasn't working, no offense." gyeong-su explained with a scoff.

"none taken. my 'mighty little stick' is a little offended, though." yun-hee joked, trying to lighten the mood of the room, earning silence and odd glances in return. "tough crowd.. not the time, got it."

dae-su took a few steps forward, placing a comforting hand on gyeong-su's shoulder. "it's okay, man. we're not mad. hey, na-yeon. look, say sorry. end this."

"why should i?" na-yeon asked.

"he did it to save us all." dae-su started, furrowing his brows together. "why can't you just say that you're sorry?"

na-yeon scoffed as she lightly stomped her foot, pushing her hair out of her face. "because i'm not sorry. i saw everything. i saw the creature grab you. i'm right. he could be infected."

"god, na-yeon, can you just pull the stick out of your ass?" yun-hee spoke with scowl.

"shut up, yun-hee!" na-yeon whined, rolling her eyes. "it grabbed him, i saw it."

cheong-san glanced between his friend and the complaining girl, a confused expression etched on his face. "wait, can touching his hand infect him?" the boy questioned.

"i have no idea, but maybe."

"wait, but, on-jo touched i-sak after she had turned. and dae-su touched min-ji. it can't be a touch thing, or they'd be infected too." jun-heo spoke up, motioning his hands to on-jo and dae-su.

"shit! am i infected?" dae-su asked frantically as he began to wipe his hands on his pants.

jun-heo sighed, looking over at the boy with a disappointed expression. "no, that's not what i'm saying. neither you or on-jo are showing symptoms, and neither is gyeong-su. so it's not a touch thing."

"it's because he has a cut on his hand!" na-yeon cried.

"he got the cut on his hand when he threw the computer, it grabbing him was before that." yun-hee added, trying to assist her friends argument.

na-yeon looked around the room, her hands clenching at her sides as she thought. "well, the infected.. area of his skin might seep into the cut for all we know."

"now you're just making shit up, na-yeon." yun-hee said with a laugh.

"he is going to kill us!"

"that's fuckin-" gyeong-su started, beginning to move towards the girl before being stopped by cheong-san and su-hyeok.


"stop blaming me." the girl in the pink sweater whined. "why don't you just think for yourselves?"

cheong-san sighed, rubbing his temples as he turned to look at her. "na-yeon, i know you always hated gyeong-su, but i think you're really crossing a line here. this is about life and death."

"she's always like this." ji-min spat with a roll of her eyes.

"if it weren't for him, we would definitely all be dead right now." su-hyeok spoke up.

"and now, he might be the one killing all of us." na-yeon accused.

"now you're the one killing me." wu-jin mumbled sarcastically.

"i am going to hit her." gyeong-su said with a sigh, running a hand over his forehead.

na-yeon gasped, staring over at him. "you can't hit me, i'm a girl, you're a boy!" she said with a smirk.

"i'll hit her for you. i'm a girl." yun-hee teased with large smile, watching as na-yeong jaw clenched.

"yun-hee, enough." ms. park scolded.

"i just said what everyone else wants to do right now."

"it was uncalled for-"

"god, would you just look at my hand! it's a scratch, na-yeon." gyeong-su said with scoff. "don't you see that?"

ms. park stepped forward, standing in between the arguing students. "that is enough, all of you! okay? we are ending this discussion."

"ms. park." na-yeon started, watching as the teacher raised her hand.

"i said 'enough'."

"but she was just-"gyeong-su scoffed as he glared over to na-yeon. 

"gyeong-su, i said enough." ms. park repeated with a sigh, placing her hands on her hips. "let's do this. gyeong-su, you're going to wait in the recording room for ten minutes. i know it'll be hard, but at least it's better than people thinking your infected."

the boy sighed as he rolled his eyes, leaning on the table behind him. "no one else thinks that i'm infected. it's only her." he reasoned, glaring over at the brunette.

"gyeong-su, would you please do it?"

"fuck ten. i'll do half... i'll just do a full hour." gyeong-su said with a grimace as he stared down at the ground. 

"there's really no point doing an hour since it takes less than five minutes." cheong-san brought up. "stop overreacting." 

"it's just to be sure." his friend replied, shaking his head.

miss park sighed, turning to look at na-yeon who just stood there. "is that enough? and if nothing happens, you'll apologize, right? and everyone else is okay with that, right?"




"if we do this, who's gonna step up next time?" cheong-san started. "we'll all be too scared.

"you're right, but.. let's consider this a way to learn to trust each other." miss park explained. 

"i do.. i trust gyeong-su."

"see you in an hour." gyeong-su said solemnly, ignoring his best friends statement.

dae-su took a step forward, watching with a frown as the boy walked towards the recording room door. "want me to come with you?" he asked kindly, only earning a middle-finger in return. 

"so, who wants to bet that na-yeon won't apologize?" yun-hee spoke quietly, earning a laugh from jun-heo and nam-ra, who stood on either side of her. 

"yun-hee! would you stop it?" 

hello, it's been a while, lol. i got pretty unmotivated and had to deal with a pretty bad medical condition, but i'm back! and i'm also thinking of starting a robin buckley from stranger things fic, i've been nonstop watching it lately. 

anywho, hope you enjoyed the chapter! have a great day loves, make sure you drink some water today :) 

      -el <3

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