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❀ ₊⁻∘・ now playing: ❝toilet - clown core❞
[▶︎/❙❙/◼︎/⟳] 0:38 ⸠——❍—————⸡ 1:23・∘⁻ ₊❀

"why are you blaming me for this? su-hyeok brough it up. pooping's not a crime." dae-su explained.

"it's not a crime but.." wu-jin started, still trying to decide what to say as he was speaking.

"but what? don't you need to go?" dae-su asked as he crossed his arms over his shoulders.

wu-jin sighed as he leaned back further onto the desk. "yes, i do. not poop, but, you know.."

"what about you?" dae-su asked, pointing over to cheong-san.

"i don't.." cheong-san started as he scratched the back of his neck. "pooping? no."

"oh my god, i really don't think we need a datasheet about who in here needs to poop and who doesn't." jun-heo complained as he rested his head in his hands.

dae-su sighed as he pursed his lips, looking over at him. "so i'm guessing you don't have to?"

"do you have some weird fetishization with poop?" yun-hee asked, watching with delight as his eyes widened.

"what? no! i don't! why would you ask that?" dae-su replied in disugst.

she shrugged her shoulders, maintaining her eyecontact with him. "well, you keep bringing it up. seemed like a logical answer."

"no! i just have to go." he said sternly with a nod, even though there was an embarrassed pink flush on his cheeks.

"then stick your ass out the window and hope a zombie doesn't bite you." yun-hee said as her voice practically dripped with sarcasm.

dae-su sat up in his seat before standing and moving to the window. "that's not a bad idea."

"..i was joking."

"no, hear me out. the girls and guys take turns." he started explaining before turning back around and noting the many faces of disgust.

hyo-ryeong crinkled her nose as she shook her head. "you're crazy."

"why? it was yun-hee's idea." dae-su reasoned, pointing over at her.

"i was joking! you're the one making it all serious even though it's a stupid idea." yum-hee explained with a nod.

dae-su sighed, running a hand over his forehead. "just listen to me for a minute. the girls can wait in the other room and the guys can just pee out the window."

"what about.. poop?" wu-jin asked slowly.

"poop. well.. you can take off your pants and hang out the window. like this." he explained as he climbed up the window, holding onto the frame as he 'demonstrated'. "like you're taking a dump at the edge of a cliff."

"have you ever pooped off the edge of a cliff?"

"stop being ridiculous."

dae-su squatted down, holding his arms straight out as he continued to show them how to do it. " but, someone has to hold you so you don't fall."

"how would you wipe your butt?" joon-yeong asked.

"well, someone else should."


"what is he saying?"

yun-hee rolled her eyes as the conversation continued, until she felt jun-heo tapping on her shoulder. she turned her head to the side, seeing him groggily smiling over at her. "i would trust you to hold my hands so i wouldn't fall." jun-heo said in a very quiet whisper.

"jun-heo, i love you. but i'm not holding your hands as you shit out of a window." yun-hee mumbled back, watching as he put on a fake frown.

"my dad always told me to separate the bathroom from where you sleep if you find yourself stranded." on-jo spoke with a nod, glancing around the room.

"where would we make a bathroom and how?" ji-min asked.

on-jo pointed to the recording room as she smiled. "right there." she told before standing. "nam-ra, you and those close to you, try to look for something to cover the window. cheong-san and joon-yeong, make something that can absorb urine and feces to use as a toilet. and the rest of you.. a screen. a screen to block." she explained kindly, everyone followed along immediately, knowing she was probably the most equipped with survival information.

nam-ra was the first to stand, wiping the back of her skirt before holding out a hand to assist yun-hee in standing. she took the offer graciously, the two beginning to walk way; leaving jun-heo still sat on the floor, expecting his friend to help him up as well.

"fine, i can stand on my own, i suppose." jun-heo said to himself before moving to search a different area as the two girls.

yun-hee ended up finding numerous rolls of tape, a couple of manilla folders, and a few testing dividers. she was the first to walk over to the window, climbing up onto the workstation to better reach the glass. digging into the small pile she had collected, she grabbed the tape, handing one over to ji-min who was currently climbing up.

she began taping up the things she had collected as well as the steady stream of papers and other things the other's found. only when she sat back slightly to better organize the pile in front of her, did she feel a light tap on her lower back.

looking behind her, nam-ra had her right arm stretched out, her hand held up just behind yun-hee. nam-ra glanced up, seeing that the other girl had spotted what she was doing. "so you don't fall." she explained shortly before handing over a few papers that had been brought over by jun-heo.

yun-hee nodded before she turned back, returning to what she was doing. soon enough, they were done covering the glass and the boys brought the makeshift-toilet into the room. all the other boys were soon ushered out, each holding an annoyed expression.

"su-hyeok really had to go." jun-heo said with a laugh.

said boy soon emerged from the room with a satisfied expression. "i feel much better now."

"my turn!" dae-su shouted as he began to stand before being pushed back into his seat by cheong-san.

"we should let the girls go first." cheong-san explained, earning a sad expression from dae-su before he slowly nodded.

"awe, such a gentleman."

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