Chapter 1: Cold Cobblestones and New Jobs

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"Saints will you please shut up!" I whine, rolling over and grabbing my phone. Unconsciously I shiver at the cold of my room when my arm emerges from under the blankets. The sound is always the first thing I hear in the morning, but somewhere in my messed up mind I find it a lot better than the default sound for my alarm.

Most people would have something motivating, I have an impression of Kaz Brekker telling me to get out of bed.

"Fine, fine, I'm up," I say to no one as I slowly get out of bed. My feet hit the small rug I have to cover the cold hardwood floor, never wanting to have that be the first thing I feel in the mornings.

Without thinking, I go through my normal routine. Getting dressed and eating breakfast and brushing my teeth. The same as every morning for school.

"Bus is going to be here in five, (Y/N)!" mom shouts as I run my brush through my hair, getting the inevitable knots out.

"I know!" I answer, setting the brush down and going back into my room.

In my closet I see my black hooded jacket, perfect for today's rain. Before class I'll just put it in my locker with my backpack so I'm not wearing it in gym. Pulling it over the long sleeves of my sweater and white button up beneath it, the hood covers my (H/C) hair and the (F/C) that stains the ends.

My bags- both a backpack that holds my binder, sketchbook, drawing pencils, a book in case I finish my current one, and a few other things, and a purse that holds my book, school pencils, water bottle, wallet, and my earbuds. Yes, it is very much more than I need for school every day, but my teachers don't allow actual backpacks in the classrooms, and I don't want to bring a tote everyday to each class.

I grab my combat boots; black leather with gray fur on the inside that could be seen on the rare occasion I folded down the top. Quickly I laced up my shoes and grabbed my bags.

My mom was waiting for me in the living room.

"Have a good day, (Y/N)," she tells me with a smile, which I return.

"I will. After all, my math test is tomorrow. Not today."

She gives me a hug and a kiss, her lipstick sticking to my cheek. I wipe it off with my sleeve, knowing the last thing I need is to go through today with that on my face.

We say our goodbyes, and I head out the door.


My feet hit uneven stone, slick with rain. I look up, eyes wide in surprise. The first thing I see is a dark rainy street, filled with people. A dense mist makes it hard to see and even harder to tell what time of day it was, and I can smell coal smoke in the air. A fog horn sounds in the distance, barely able to be heard over the people shouting.

What the...

This isn't what my street looks like. I should be back in (Hometown), but instead I'm somewhere I've never been.

The cold hits me immediately, making me pull my jacket around me tighter.

Not wanting to look out of place, I pull my hood over my head and tuck my hair back to hide the (F/C) and continue walking forward. Looking behind me I see a sign. A fancy script that advertises some shop I've never heard of selling what seems to be clothes. The window behind the sign has a vine plant growing from the box, the little green I can see, and has even more inside.

Shaking my head, I remember the few helpful lessons that Leigh Bardrugo taught me and carried on through the swarm of people.

I didn't get far before I bumped into someone. They looked to be about 5', and I couldn't see much of their face under the hooded tunic. The small amount I could see revealed dark skin and brown eyes that appeared almost black.

I Don't Belong Here~Kaz Brekker x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now