Chapter 14: Cryptic Words and Boarding Ships

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I walked alongside Jesper, who I struggled to keep up with due to his long legs. Inej and Kaz were behind us.

Inej spoke first to Kaz. "You berated (Y/N) for letting her go, and now that's what you're doing. So what's your angle?"

"I'm keeping my promise to you. I swore you won't go back to the Menagerie, and one of these gemstones covers it."

"She needs my help more than you."

"But we do need you." He stopped walking, the two staring at each other. I remember this scene all too well. "I need you."

I tried to cover my smile at the two.

"I want to see the look on Heleen's face when you clear the books. After that... we'll see."


Later I had left Jesper's side to catch up to Alina. I didn't say anything. It was the rare occasion that Mal wasn't glued to her side protectively, and I was surprised that Inej wasn't here with me.

"Any other cryptic words?" Alina asks me.

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused.

"Well, last time you saw each other you told me that Kirigan already knew I was gone, and you hinted that Mal was in the woods. Plus you said we would meet again, and here we are."

I look to the woods and the city in the distance. "I forgot I told you all that."

"Well, I didn't. Thank you for it."

"I'm just glad everything worked out. And yes, actually," I say, thinking. Maybe I can't outright say things, I'm not sure if I can or not, but I can help get her on the right path. "Advice, this time. If you meet a privateer in a blue jacket, trust him."

I put slight emphasis on the privateer, knowing that Nikolai hates when he's called a pirate.

Alina gives me a strange look. "Should I just get used to the vague stuff when we meet?"

"You did ask if I had anything cryptic," I reminded her with a slight laugh. "But I'm serious. He can help you with the next step."

"What exactly is the next step?"

"Finding the Seawhip."

For a moment her eyes go wide. She tugs on my sleeve, pulling me to the back of the group. "You're joking, right? I have to track down the Seawhip?"

Alina had whispered the questions, trying to keep the others from hearing, but I noticed that Kaz had slowed down half a beat, trying to hear.

"You and Mal, yes. But the privateer is the one to get you where you need to go."

She looks ahead.

"I guess I'll keep my eyes out for privateers, then."


I sat beside Kaz, who watched the fire in the center of our makeshift camp with strange intensity.

"Who's the privateer?" Kaz asks when the others were all asleep. He was keeping watch, and I couldn't sleep.

"I'll tell you his name later. I have a feeling that we may see him but I don't know for sure. You would probably know him if I told you the name, though."

Kaz gives me the same glare that always scares me. He didn't argue though. He's slowly learning what I will and won't say. I don't know if it's a bad idea to tell him or not.

"Thank you, by the way," I say to break the ice. "For saving my life on the skiff."

"You're valuable," he says. It surprised me. I thought he would have stayed silent. "I can't lose that."

It's better than him staying silent, I tell myself at those last words.

"My point still stands," I return. "Thank you."

I stand up from the log and head to my spot between Inej and Jesper.


The city of Os Kervo was busy and tense. I stayed close to the Crows, not wanting to get lost.

The four of us board the ship separate from Mal and Alina who are somewhere behind us.

"We set out with a clear mission," Jesper begins, "a prize of a million kruge. And two new members on our crew."

It was a little sad how fast I knew that the other "new member" was Milo.

Jesper finds us a table on the deck. "So... what did we learn? People with trains are evil. You can't kidnap a human sunbeam. And maybe, just maybe, greed is a poor motivator. True wealth is the friends you make along the way."

"I just might be impressed," Inej says.

"I'm talking of Milo, of course," Jesper assures her. I nudge his arm jokingly. "And (Y/N), I guess. But I won't have my smelly friend when walking into Ketterdam."

"Where Dreesen is waiting for our return."

"And Pekka Rollins," Kaz adds.

Inej leans in. "They'll both want our heads once we show up without the Sun Summoner."

"Well, I'm sure the boss has a plan. He wouldn't send us into a death trap. Tell me you have a plan."

Jesper laughs and smiles nervously, turning to Kaz. I do too.

"I don't care if it's a lie," Jesper continues, shaking his head.

Kaz nods at Inej first, then turns to Jesper. "I have a plan. And, just how this all started... we're gonna need a Heartrender."

I look past him to see Nina stealing a glance at our group, overhearing our conversation. We make eye contact, for only a moment. When I look away it is just in time for Kaz to answer Jespers question on who would work best.

"No. For this to work, it has to be someone neither of them know. Someone desperate for work, with loyalties only to us."

A passing man mentions that the Sun Saint is dead.

"Excuse me," Nina asks, looking over at us again. "Is what he said true?"

"I don't know if she's dead," Kaz answers. "But she is a Saint."

Inej looks at him and he smiles honestly.

A young couple passes in front of us, and my gaze follows them. It's Mal and Alina. I watch as they talk, staring out at the True Sea.


A/N: And Season one is officially over. Now starts Season two. Thank you all for being patient as I finished this.

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