Chapter 4: Leaving Ketterdam and Sankt Milo

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"Get up," someone says from the doorway.

The rain stopped, I think, still half-asleep.

I pull the thin blanket up over my head, blocking out the early morning light and hoping whoever it is will leave me alone.

"Come on, (Y/N)."

"Go away," I tell them despite turning over so I can see whoever it was.

"You're on my bed."

I open my eyes, finding Kaz standing in the doorway. I curse under my breath and get up, rubbing my eyes and running my fingers through my hair. Looking down at myself I find the same clothes I wore yesterday still on me, and my copy of Six of Crows shut on the floor.

"Sorry," I say as I pick up the book and place it in my bag before he could see it, along with my wallet I left on the desk. I threw on my boots and my jacket that I tossed aside last night before I put my hair up in a simple ponytail.

I go to take my necklace out from under my shirt, but think better of it once I remember what it says. Investment.

"Let's go," he instructed, holding the door open. I hurried out the door in front of him. When I reached the bottom I turned around, instinctively reaching out my hand to help before remembering he didn't like to be touched. I still didn't want to move it back, in case that was rude, so I kept it out.

He surprised me by taking it for the least few steps, letting go the moment he reached the floor.

"Did you do it?" I ask him, quiet despite the empty room.

"What?" he questions.

"Give Heleen the Crow Club."

He nods once, solem, not once turning to me. There is a look in his eye, somewhere between determination and regret. It was all I could do to not reach out and comfort him.

We reached the door, me now holding it open for him as we see Jesper and Inej standing beside the Conductor.

"Where's our ride?" the boy beside me asked.

"Coming, boss," Jesper answered as he took a bite of what looked like a scone. "Just around the corner."

Kaz glared at him before walking toward the carriage. The others and I followed him around the corner.

"What's his name again?" I asked Inej, who thankfully knew who I was talking about.

"Arken. He's supposed to get us through the Fold." Inej handed me something wrapped in a napkin. "This one's yours."

I unwrapped it and immediately took a bite, lemon and blueberries hitting my tongue immediately. I smile, thinking of home. Inej must have just thought I liked it, or she decided not to ask.

"I'm (Y/N), by the way," I tell her as I realize this the first time we are actually meeting. "(Y/N) (L/N)."

"Inej," she tells me.

Arken and Jesper get into the carriage, Inej behind them.

Kaz throws out his cane, stopping me from following her. "What?"

"How do I know you're not going to run off as soon as we get through the Fold?"

I shake my head, laughing at the first answer that comes to mind. "My hatred of the Darkling outweighs my crush on Ben Barnes."

He raises an eyebrow, and I put my hands up in surrender. Slowly Kaz moves his cane from my path and I climb in.


I Don't Belong Here~Kaz Brekker x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now