Apology pt2

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Blaise and Goyle looked at each other with a jolt, and then back again at Harry, whose facial expressions on Draco's face no longer resembled Draco's real ones. He continued, knowing they were gonna be spellbound with it:

"I mean, I'm sorry for not being a good enough friend, or maybe even a friend at all. I have always treated you like nobodies. I know, Blaise, you never liked me much, perhaps because of my persona. But believe me, it hurt when Crabbe died, it hurt when I saw Goyle bossed around by his dad, it hurt going to the other side of the battle just to not offend my parents and then leaving the battlefield with all you guys stuck there. War, or maybe the circumstances that led to it, truly made me reflect my whole existence. Till it came to an end, me being the one who started it all couldn't feel more guilty. The reason for me throwing my wand towards Harry to be grabbed by him was the fact that I didn't want any more deaths. Yes, Harry was the reason Voldemort had gone mad at that time and wanted to take revenge. But that was not all-"

Suddenly a voice interrupted:

"- The reason for him to rise again wasn't just me, it was Voldemort's greed for more power and more years to his life- a loathsome one at that."

Harry looked up at Draco and seeing Blaise and Goyle looking at them with eyes round like saucers and mouth reaching the floor, he decided to smile at him, just to make it more fun. Draco smiled back.

Harry continued again:

"The reason the war started was Voldemort himself. No one else. Since he's no more and we hope for him to never rise again, we- me and Harry- decided to atleast be civil towards each other. The reason I hated him will be cleared by him as I told him."

Harry knew he could never understand this side of Draco, so he had decided to make this question get answered by Draco himself. He gave him a slight nod, that got caught by Draco who continued:

"There were too many reasons at that time:

Draco was prejudiced. His father had taught him never to befriend friends of muggleborns. He, looking up at him as a role model, went along with it without giving much of a thought to it. It was high time till the war when he finally realised that wizards are wizards, witches are witches, no matter to whom they are born.

He also was always jealous of our friendship- me, Weasley and Granger."

He paused to look at Blaise and Goyle. Draco also looked at them. Both Zabini and Goyle realised what they were referring to. Blaise gave an expression indicating he wanted to interrupt. Draco ( as Harry from outside) knew what he was going to say but continued anyway:

"He doesn't blame you, Blaise. He deserves such a friendship too, everyone does, including you guys. Though both my friends and my girlfriend aren't yet with me, I miss them like hell. That's the kind of love and company everyone desires. I wish the same for you guys. Let's live in peace from now on and try to get along, okay?"

Harry had done it. Though Blaise and Goyle were too shocked to say anything, their expressions reflected their true feelings: they were excited to start a new journey of friendship.

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