Draco's Heartfelt Revelation

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"You truly think you're a know-it-all?" Draco was mad at her at this point.
"Sure, I dreamt of being a death eater. I felt that it would bring me and my family some glory we had lost. I thought I could be a proud son to my father atleast once, by bringing him out of Azkaban. I felt lucky to be chosen by Voldemort for killing Dumbledore-" He suddenly felt his eyes well up.
'Shit! No! Run away from here before this little rude bestfriend of Potter sees me make a fool out of myself!'
He was about to run but Hermione was quick to notice. She grabbed hold of his arm to stop him. Draco gave her a stern look which she returned.
Ultimately he quickly wiped his wet eyes and continued-
"I don't have the energy to fight you today, Granger. Nor do I want to or have to."
Hermione's eyes softened momentarily but her expressions were still bossy. As if she would stun him if he didn't continue.
"So I felt like I finally had the chance to bring back Father from Azkaban, save my family from Voldemort and perhaps migrate abroad and disappear amidst the Muggles for a while until everything went back to normal."
"Normal life of a criminal? A wizard murderer amidst the Muggles?  Back to normal meaning Harry dying at the hands of Voldemort? Do you realize that you're the definition of a hypocrite, Mr Malfoy?" Hermione's face was going crimson by this time. She was furious and she looked ferocious. Malfoy had seen worse than that. He still found her cute. And he didn't want to admit it.
He decided to snap back:
"Ms Granger, do you think a person can be in his right mind when the darkest wizard of all times (except Grindelwald but Voldemort was still more) is living in your house, has sent your father to jail, expects to kill you and your family if you fail the task you're bound to fail and kills any person who dares to speak when he's thinking of something he can't control?"
Hermione felt a sense of guilt in her chest but her expression didn't deter from being cold towards him. She decided not to speak and let him continue. And so he did-
"No one knew what I was going through when I realized how hard it was. It all happened in that one year. The worst year for me till now. I had to bring my dad out from jail, kill Dumbledore, save my parents, bear curses and hate looks from classmates, plan a runaway and get over Ginny. It was-"
"Ginny Weasley, who fell for Harry and who Harry fell for during our sixth year."
"Sweet Merlin! Are you seriously in-"
"love with Ginny Weasley? Totally!"

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