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"I'm truly sorry, Professor McGonagall," Harry couldn't bear to look her in the eyes and McGonagall wasn't able to bear them like that, especially when it was her own subject they messed up with - or Harry did.
"It is lucky for you that to take my mind off things, I had been reading a really interesting book, Transfiguration: The Disasters. Since the solution isn't as difficult, I'll be letting you go with just a week of daily after-class two hour detention," McGonagall looked at both with a straight face and continued, "And Mr Malfoy, don't think I will reduce your punishment as you see, you must have been doing something that annoyed Mr Potter and that there's none other than you stuck here. Now, follow me. Ms Granger,  be kind enough to do so too, you might be a bit of a mental help." Hermione smiled at her and followed.
They reached the Whomping Willow. Professor Mc Gonagall stunned it so that it wouldn't move. They reached its foot and Professor pulled out few of its unusually and loosely hanging twigs, thin branches and dry leaves. She collected them, put them in her bag and asked them to follow again after making Whomping Willow move again.
Now they reached the Forbidden Forest. It was a sunny day. The students enjoyed the warm weather while following her quietly. Suddenly they came to a halt near a centaur.
"Long time no see, Mr Johan." Professor McGonagall seemed to be calmer while talking to the centaur.
"Professor McGonagall, pleasure to mee' 'ou a'ter so long. Wha' brings 'ou 'ere?" The centaur spoke in a different but strong accent that was hard to catch by the boys but Hermione seemed to understand it all fine.
"We-uh-Harry Potter and his friend, Draco Malfoy need your help with some urgent matter. I didn't want to disturb you but it seems that you're the only person who can help us." It was obvious that McGonagall was trying to butter up the centaur into helping them by calling it a person. It was so unusual to see her like that. Johan must be desirous of being a true human being and not just a half of it.
"Harry Po'er. The guy who defea'ed the Darke' Wiza'd of all times twice needs my- a poo' creature's 'elp?"
"Y-yeah, I do. Pls help us, Mr Centaur," Draco was practically pleading it but something ticked off Johan.
"I neva' expec'ed such a noble woman as you'self, Ms McGonagall, to lie to such a lowly creature as me too. It's a diffe'ent man 'o speaks an' a diffe'ent man you say it is. You all a'e fooling me. I refuse to 'elp!"

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