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"Wow! The more we talk, the more you surprise, no wait, shock me!" Hermione blurted out while feeling a sudden sense of uneasiness inside of her. This feeling was weird. Wasn't she crushing on Harry? No, was it Ron? No no, then.. no way.. was it Draco?!

She shook her head. Malfoy noticed but shrugged it off.

"I don't even know why I'm telling you all this," Malfoy spoke. Hermione stared at him blankly. She was still lost in thoughts. He decided to keep staring into her eyes till she got back to reality. It was just a prank, no feelings involved.

It must have been ten seconds into it and Hermione snapped back. She blinked her eyes and looked weirdly at Malfoy who was still having fun staring into her eyes.. her beautiful brown eyes that were sparkling brighter than the stars he often viewed from the Astronomy Tower when he was lonely. He felt connected to her somehow. 'Do soulmates exist?,' he suddenly thought. 'Perhaps, we never know,' answered his brain.

Hermione turned away from there and Draco snapped back to reality too.

'WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?' They both thought.

"I better get to Harry. I need to tell him that you know about us already," Draco said that and hurried up to the Slytherin Common Room or the Hogwarts Library: two places he was most likely to be found these days. Hermione followed. She had a sudden urge to be there for Harry and apologize for misunderstanding him. She didn't tell that to Draco, she just quietly went following him to the two places.

Hogwarts Library didn't have many people and Madame Pince was on a leave that day. It was certain that he was there then. Harry couldn't as easily betray Madame Pince to get into the Restricted Section to try to resolve everything on his own (he found nothing related to the mishappening in his spell in the usually available books) than he could do with Mr Flitwick, who was taking charge of the Library that day. Draco and Hermione first went inside with their usual passes but immediately hid and somehow made their way to the Restricted Section.

Spotting a white blonde tall boy there wasn't that difficult. They whispered to him. He hadn't expected to be called 'Harry' by a girl's voice in those looks so he quickly turned. Flitwick wasn't taking Library so seriously and the guys could easily sit in the corner of the section without being bothered. They chatted in whispers.

"Uh.. Harry, I am not sure if I'm even in a position to say this.. but.. I'm truly sorry, Harry. I can't believe I couldn't even recognize my own bestfriend when he behaved like that to me.. Please let it go this one time," Hermione felt guilty.

"It's alright, Hermione. I understand that I already had frequent personality changes earlier. Maybe you just felt that it was some after-effect of the war. But well, now you know!" Harry tried to seem cheerful to her, even though he was hurting inside. It was understandable yet painful. Not just Hermione, but Ginny too.

Draco sensed this. He felt guilty and tired of all this too, though the apologies and the change of attitude towards everyone and his life refreshed him. All in all, he felt that this curse was actually a blessing in disguise.

However at the same time, he felt a pang in his heart. Did Harry know Hermione so well that he guessed the exact thing she was thinking had happened to him? Damn! Was this just a longing of being without friends this long? Or.. was it jealousy? No way. He brushed off the feelings and focused back on the conversation.

"Draco, did you have something to say?" Harry asked him.

"Uh well now you know it. She found out. Anyways, it was me who wanted to have a week before going to McGonagall for this but since Ginny is still not back and since Granger already knows, let's do it now."

"Do what?" Hermione interrupted.

"We need to go to McGonagall and get back to being ourselves," Harry spoke.

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