Hinny Reunion Pt 2

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"You were stuck in a Transfiguration mess? That seems so unlikely to be done by you, Harry," Arthur Weasley, who had been eavesdropping, totally willingly but not keen to admit it, said to the green-eyed messed-up guy.

"Mr Weasley. I swear. I know it is my fault and I have been such a headache for you guys and all this-this pain- is completely my fault. Had you not lost Fred, had I not been the Chosen One.."

"Harry, my boy. Come here."

Harry slowly moved towards the door leaning on which was standing Mr Arthur. He stopped at some distance from him. His eyes were grieved at Mr Weasley's poor state of things: his hair was unkempt, his eyes were almost bloodshot, his clothes were torn from most places, he had been jobless for three months. Everything had gone downhill after the war for the Weasley family. And Harry took all the blame to himself which ached his heart to the point it didn't even feel like breaking to mere pieces: it was literally shattered by now. His eyes welled up with the pent-up feelings but he had to compose himself for everyone's sake.

"I know, maybe this won't comfort you much since even if I tell you so, you would still blame yourself."

Harry kept on looking at him in his eyes.

"You may have been the Chosen One, but were you ever at fault for that?"


"You weren't even born when that bloody-ass Voldemort had evil intentions. Your parents, us and so many others were the ones who stood against him: joining evil, joining the Dark Side. We were the ones who knew already what the result would be, since we knew the wars would happen. Your mother's love saved you. Voldemort went crazy for you because of that. Your mother's love couldn't be helped. She helped you involuntarily, without anyone knowing. And it was love and bravery in all our hearts that kept us fighting till the end. You merely existed at that time. Had it not been you, maybe it was going to be someone else. And no, not their fault either, for no one of you was actually the one fighting Voldemort. You didn't know what was going on. You saved the wizarding world without being in true senses to know what all hell was going on!"

"Forgive me, Mr Weasley. But I don't quite get what you're trying to say."

"I get it," Ginny's voice echoed the almost-empty room. Harry turned to face her now. She continued:

"Dad's trying to tell you that you didn't know what was going on when Voldemort gave you that scar. It was the Order that was fighting at that time. We all didn't exist when all this started. His dark intentions. His world-ruining motives. You were just the kid of two people who were fighting against him. So it was not your fault that he killed your parents while your parents saved you and the world when he couldn't kill you too."

"Gin, are you happy that I exist?"

Ginny's eyes grew wide at the sudden remark. Her heart felt like breaking down. She suddenly lost her ability to utter words as she was so overwhelmed with the feelings of imagining not being around Harry for an eternity and not even knowing him. True, Harry wasn't supportive these last months. But yeah, he apologized. Sincerely. Who doesn't deserve a second chance at things? Why not give it a shot for the one she loved the most?

"I get it. You were better off then if I didn't exist?" Harry tried to sound mad but pain could be reflected in his voice and his eyes were moist again.

"No, wait!" Ginny glanced at her dad, who turned around and walked out of the room with a brilliant and victorious smile on his face.

Ginny grew a step closer to Harry. Her eyes were in his and her heart beat at the speed of light. And she went closer and closer while still staring at them. Harry realised it. He closed his eyes. Their mouths melded and the feelings gave way. Both cried hard while never leaving the other's lips. The release of the pent-up feelings was intense. How truly they loved each other and how perfect they were for each other, there couldn't exist a better epitome of it than a kiss like that.

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