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I don't know what to say
I don't know what you want me to say, anyways. 
I mean, I'm trying, but what defines strength?
What defines fear?

Growing up, growing impatient
Growing paranoid.

There's a man in the house.

Summer always lasts so long, but summer days seem short compared to winter.
And spring, spring always passes.
Then comes late nights, then comes fall.
And what else?
You don't have to know, it follows anyways. 
You don't know, and it follows along. 
You've never known. I still don't. 

Uncertain, uncertainty.
Fear that I might fall.
And I could never expect anyone to catch me.
God, I want to be caught. 
Or maybe not, maybe I'd like to fall.
So long as I catch myself. 

What do I want?

I want you to be alright. Maybe, we can be here for spring.

Letters For Someone, SomedayWhere stories live. Discover now