Chapter 3

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"A LOVE RIVAL..." She thought. "AND IT'S HER!!!" She thought to herself again silently.

Lucy then made her way to Makarov's office where Laxus was.She knocked on the door and walked in. She sat down next to Laxus which was opposite her grandfather's desk."Now listen you two, I want you to go over to Sabertooth Academy and go to the headmaster's office. I have let the headmaster of Sabertooth know that you are coming over but he doesn't know why. All I have told him is that you will be coming over and when you are in his office he should immediately call Sting into his office and that when Sting arives at the office he should give you 3 some privacy. Understood?"

"Understood." They both said at the same time.

Lucy asked "Can we tell anyone about this?"

Makarov answered "Yes but you can only tell one person each."

"Ok, thanks Gramps."

"It's ok but remember only one person."

"Yeah, got it."

And with that said Lucy and Laxus made their way to Sabertooth Academy in Laxus' car. His car was a gold metallic ferrari.

They finally arrived at Sabertooth and made thier way to Mr Jiemma's office. Laxus knocked on the door and they heard a voice say "Come in." so they went inside his office. Once they entered Jiemma asked "Are you the students from Fairy Tail?"

"Yes we are." answered Lucy.

"Ok, I'll call Sting to my office." he said as he called the school secretary into his office and asked her to bring Sting Eucliffe into his office. Sting arrived to the headmaster's office.

"You called me sir."

"Yes, these students from Fairy Tail Academy have been sent over to talk to you."


"I don't know, but I'll give you guys some privacy to talk." Jiemma said as he left the room.

"What's going on?" Sting asked.

"I'm Lucy Heartfilia and this is Laxus Dreyar."

"We came over to make sure you read this letter that was given to Lucy." Laxus said as he handed Lucy's letter over to Sting.

He read over the letter a few times with an astonished look on his face.

"Is this true? Are you two my siblings?" Sting said with an innocent look on his face, it almost looked like he was crying.

"Yes, it's true Sting, we are your siblings." Lucy said with a comforting voice.

Laxus, Lucy and Sting all hugged each other when they realised that they were all together.

A couple of hours later

Juvia was following Gray to Lucy's house.

He rang Lucy's doorbell and she opened it with an upset look on her face.

"Lucy what's wrong? Why are you upset?" He said as he walked into her house. She shut the door and they made their way to her living room. Lucy went up to the windows and closed the curtains as she did not want anyone looking at them and getting the wrong idea or listening in on their conversation.

"I didn't think you actually wanted to this badly. Did Juvia follow you?" when Lucy said that Juvia listened closer.

"Don't know, she probably did though. You have no idea what it's like being followed by some lunatic. She's SOOOOO annoying."

"Gray you can't say that."


"Because it's mean and she could be listening."

"I don't care if she is listening. Juvia if you really are listening I want to say that I find you really annoying and I will never fall in love with you." When Gray said that she felt her heartbreak and she ran home and went in to her room and started crying her eyes out.

"Anyways, Lucy what happened at school?" Gray asked as he saw her bring out a piece of paper.

"Basically, I found out that Makarov was really good friends with my mom before she died and she wrote me this letter and gave it to Makarov so that he could give it to me when he thought that I was ready to find out the truth. Read the letter Gray."

He read the letter while Lucy was was waiting for him to finish reading it. She was waiting with a face that was about to cry.

"Lucy I'm so sorry." He said as she started to cry.

"Don't apologise it's not your fault. Makarov said that each of us could tell only one person and for me your the person I told but you have to promise me that you can't tell anyone."

She buried her face in his chest and started to cry even more.

"Don't cry Lucy, it's not your fault." Gray said as he wrapped his arms around her

"I know, even though I found my family I still feel upset because I feel like my whole life has been a complete lie."

"Listen to me, don't you ever say that you still had a mother and a father that loved you. Even though they weren't your real parents they still cared for you and raised you to become the beautiful, intelligent and kind person you are now." Lucy's face started to go red when he said the last part, luckily he didn't see cause her face was still buried in his chest.

"Ok, thanks Gray." She said wiping her tears away.

"For what?"

"For covincing me that my whole life wasn't a lie." She said as she moved away from his chest.

"It's nothing."

"No, what you said just now meant a lot, so thanks."

"It's ok. Now on a serious note...LAXUS IS YOUR BROTHER !!!"

"Yeah, kind of a shocker, right."

"Yeah, a real one."

Lucy just laughed.

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