Chapter 10

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Now I know why Gray was so afraid of him, Laxus is so terrifying when he needs to be.

"Anyways, let's focus on saving Lucy." Laxus whispered so that we wouldn't be caught by Juvia.

We walked in quietly, five minutes later, so that Gray didn't know that we heard every single word. He saw us and nodded cautiously so that Juvia didn't turn around, we nodded back and untied Lucy. Unfortunately, Juvia turned around and saw Laxus, Lucy and me.

Juvia's POV:

I turned around and what do I see?

Laxus and Sting holding a beaten up Lucy. But why are they here? Are they helping Gray to save Lucy? But why would they help? What connection do they have with Lucy?

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha, I knew something like this would happen, which is why I planted a bomb in this room. If you want to live put her down and get out."

"No!" Laxus said with attitude in his voice. Suddenly, Lucy started to wake up. "What happened? Why am I here?" She said faintly. I ignored her of course. "Are you guys sure about that because I have that remote right here?" I say holding up the remote. As I said this and held up the remote Laxus, Lucy and Sting's eyes all widened. "What are you doing Juvia?" Lucy asked me.

"What am I doing? I'm getting my revenge."

"Revenge for what?"

"For you stealing my beloved Gray away from me."

"Are you seriously still on that. And why are you teaming up with my father to get me back home."

Normal POV:

"Because if I can't have my beloved Gray then you can't either." Juvia said with tears threatening to fall from her eyes. Lucy signalled at Gray to take the remote and smash it and Gray nodded at Laxus to ask his grandfather to send the police in. Gray walked up from behind Juvia and took the remote and smashed it. "Gramps, send them in." Laxus said into his phone. "We're in the basement."

Makarov sent in the police, including Lyon, they found the basement and Lyon cuffed Juvia "You may not say anything as anything you say can and will be used against you."

They all walked out of Juvia's house while Sting was carrying Lucy. "Gray, carry Lucy for me." Sting said while handing Lucy over to Gray. "Okayy." Gray said while putting an arm around Lucy's waist to support her and Lucy put her arm around Gray's neck. They both blushed and stayed quiet. Once they got out of there they saw an ambulance and walked up to Makarov. "Gramps what happened?" Gray asked "Lyon called the ambulance while you guys were inside, Gray take her over there." Gray walked Lucy to the ambulance and sat her down while the doctor came out and attended to Lucy's wounds. Much to Gray's surprise it was his mother. "MOM." Gray said surprised and walked up to the woman to hug her. "I thought you weren't back for another week." She, obviously as his mother, hugged him back. "I finished my work over in England so they let me come back early." They broke the hug because Ur had to attend to Lucy's wounds. Once Ur finished with Lucy, Lyon walked up to them with Juvia. "She says she had something to say." Lyon said as Juvia started to speak. "If you don't want to see your father, I suggest you don't go home cos he's waiting for you there with 15 bodyguards ." Then Lyon took her away into the police car. "Oh no." Lucy said. "What's wrong?" Gray asked. "I can't go home." "And why not?" "Cos my dad is there, duh." Lucy replied. "You say it like it's a bad thing. What's so bad about your dad?" "Obviously it's a bad thing and lemme tell you why. Ever since my mom died he's always acted so cold towards me and abused me like I meant nothing to him. Obviously, he didn't love me. I can't go back home, not now, he probably wants me back so he can marry me off to someone for money." "So stay at my house then, mom is that okay?" "Yes, of course. I'm sure Ultear will be pleased." Ur replied. "Are you sure Mrs Fullbuster, I wouldn't want to intrude?" Lucy said. "Nonsense, it'll be fine." Ur said with happiness in her voice. "Okay, thank you." and with that said Ur and Gray gave Lucy a lift to their house. While they Ur was driving Lucy all of a sudden asked "I forgot to ask earlier but who's Ultear?" and Gray answered "She's my sister." "Oh ok." When they got to his house they went inside, Ur said her shift should be over in about an hour.

Once Lucy and Gray were inside Lucy was amazed at how huge their house was. "Gray, your house is so big!" Lucy said, amazed. Soon they were greeted by Gray's sister, Ultear. "Gray, did you bring a girl home?" Ultear asked. "First of all, that sounds so wrong. Second of all, this is my friend Lucy and mom says that she's going to be staying with us for a while." Gray said. "YES! Now I have a new sister." Ultear said excited.

Author's Note: Sorry if the last chapter was short and crappy. This chapter is to make up for the last one and I hope you enjoy it. 😊

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