Chapter 11

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"YES! Now I have a new sister." Ultear said excited. 

"Okayy, didn't know you'd be this excited sis." Gray said awkwardly.

"Of course I'm excited, you don't know what it's like living in a house with boys. Ugghhhh, the horror." Ultear said with absolute horror laced in her voice.

"What about mom?"

"She's a doctor, she's hardly around." Ultear said as-a-matter-of-factly.

"Well I'm gonna need a few things if I'm gonna be living here." Lucy said, interrupting them before they get into a fight.

"Does that mean what I think it means!" Ultear said as if they were telepathic.

"Yes it does." Lucy replied.

"What does it mean?" Gray asked confused

"SHOPPING!" The two girls shouted, excitedly, at Gray. Then they looked at him with an evil aura.

"Oh no, no no no no no no no no no no no no no." Gray cried, like his life was ending.

"Oh yes." Ultear and Lucy said at the same time.

"NOOO, NOOO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO." Gray shouted refusingly.

"Oh come on Gray, you're the one who said I should live here." Lucy said innocently.

"Hmpf, fine." Gray mumbled quietly as he folded his arms.

"Lets go before I change my mind."

And then they went out to Gray's Mercedes Benz.( the picture at the top)

Time skip (Lucy finishes her shopping and are walking back to the car)

"Why do I have to carry everything." Gray struggled trying to say that very sentence.

"Cos we can't be asked." Ultear said. Then Gray tried to put all the bags in the boot. Eventually, he managed to fit them ALL in.

And then they drove back home.

At Gray's house:

"Where am I going to sleep?" Lucy asked curiously.

"With me, of course." Gray said coolly. Lucy then pulled a serious face.

"Gray I'm being serious."

"So am I." and then Lucy's face went red, as in redder than Erza's hair red, which is like the reddest thing on earth.

"I'm joking. Gosh you're so easy to tease. I set up the guest room a few minutes ago."

Lucy then walked up to Gray and held his hands. "Gray, I-I I'm in love with you." at this Gray blushed like crazy.

"Really." Gray said, believing her. Then Lucy smirked.

"No, LUCY KICK!" And then Gray went flying through the roof. "And that's what happens when you tease Lucy Heartfilia."

Time skip, at school Lucy's POV:

Everyone was in homeroom and was waiting for Gildarts to come in.

When he came in he said that everyone had to go to the main hall because Gramps had an announcement.

We all made our way to the main hall where Gramps was already standing at the podium.

Normal POV:

Makarov was standing at the podium.

Once everyone was quiet he started.

"Listen up brats cos I'm only gonna say this once. Next friday there will be a welcome back dance for everyone and all of you must go, it is compulsory."

When he announced this everyone started cheering and the girls started discussing with each other about what to wear.

Author's Note: I'm sorry for not updating for a while. I give you permission to kill me. I'm really sorry but I give you this chapter to apologise for my lateness in updating. I'm really sorry. 😥😭😰

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