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I had too.

I'm not sorry.


(Basing the hospital scene kind of like a dentist thing because I've never actually been to a hospital aside from insta care and my pediatrician for vaccines)


When Tony finally came too twenty hours later, his first thought was 'how am I still alive?'

The question sat with him for what felt life hours as he tried to comprehend what exactly had just happened.

The next thing he noticed about his situation was a slow but steady beat ringing out in the back of his head. He found it madly infuriating but oddly soothing at the same time. He couldn't explain it, but he subconsciously knew what it was after it showed no sign of stopping.

Tony's body whined in protest as he opened his eyes then immediately screwed them shut, blocking out the harsh light.

Besides him, he heard someone wake with a snort. Blinking, Tony turned his head to see one if the only friendly faces he knew.

"Honey bear?" Tony asked, his voice hoarse.

Tears welled up in Rhodey's eyes just as fast as he wiped them away. "Yeah yeah, sure, Tones. It's honey bear."

Tony chuckled softly, weakly pushing himself up so he was sitting back on his pillow.

"Here," Rhodey offered his help and readjusted the pillows behind Tony.

Tony smiled gratefully. "Thanks."

Fully sitting up now, Tony was finally able to see what had happened. He remembered the crash, though it was foggy, and vague flashes of strangers in blue scrubs racing him down a long hall and through a door.

Bracing himself, Tony decided to look down at his chest.

White bandages covered most of the skin he could see and various machines were hooked up to the limited areas exposed. Strangely, he wasn't in a hospital gown, but he did have an annoying little wristband that was itchier than it seemed. For unseen reasons, Tony felt as if he should be in more pain then just the dull ache he had in his chest, but he figured it was the amount of painkillers the doctors most likely jacked him up on.

Huffing dismissively, Tony faced Rhodey again. "What happened?" He asked calmly.

Rhodey's face seemed to fall and he started to pick at an old scab on his arm. "Well, a semitruck rammed into your Lambo and sent it flying off a cliff. Took nearly twelve hours to find you: no one knew where you had gone or why you left except Rodgers, but he's not exactly talking. Says he caused your accident?"

Tony grimaced. "He didn't exactly cause it, but... well, we got into a fight. Pissed me off and I drove off in a fit of rage. Then it started raining and I couldn't see the road and that's when the semi hit."

Rhodey made a sound of acknowledgment. "Alright."

Tony yawned and sank back into his pillows. He was really tired and wanted to go back to sleep. "Rhodey, I'm tired." He announced.

Rhodey smiled softly, setting his hand down. "Go to sleep then. I'll be right here if you need me."

Tony grinned softly. "Thank you."

Closing his eyes, Tony curled in in himself as much as he could and breathed a sigh of relief. He was alive, he was okay. Everything would be okay.

Seconds later, Tony was snoring softly.

Twisted Fates | ironstrange (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now