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Tony stared at Mordo, biting back a smart remark. If he really wanted to be healed, he shouldn't get on these strangers' bad sides.

Mordo sent a piercing gaze back in Tony's direction as the baron led Tony down a hall.

"This is the sanctuary of our teacher, the Ancient One." Mordo informed.

Tony stared at him. "The Ancient One? Like in a cult? What's their actual name?" Mordo gave him another sharp glare. "Right, forget everything I think I know, sorry."

The two entered a large room and three people immediately swarmed Tony. He flinched as a pair of hands grabbed his shoulders and began tugging at his jacket. He jerked out of their reach, sliding easily out of his jacket in the process. The person who had his coat turned around and placed it on a coat rack.

"Uh, thank you?"

A man sat at a table, reading an old book. A different man and a woman bustled around with tea, motioning for Tony to sit down.

"Thank you, that's um .. that's a thing." A maid (the only way to adequately describe them, in Tony's mind) waved to him and he nodded back. "Hello, uh thank you." A cup of warm tea was shoved in his hands.

"And," his gaze shifted to the old man silently reading his book. "Thank you, Ancient One.. for... seeing me.."

The woman in front of him smiled. "You're very welcome."

Tony's eyes widened and his head whipped towards the woman. "Oh! You're, you're the Ancient One! I thought he was, he looks.. more ancient.. in a good way, I mean, you're beautiful- you don't look a day over thirty!" Tony stammered. The Ancient One's lips turned up in an amused smile. "I-i-i.. uh," Tony swallowed. "I'll stop now."

Tony could almost smell the eye roll from behind him. "Yes, please do. Save the embarrassment."

A cold glare was sent over Tony's shoulder and Tony guessed it was for the man who had spoken. "Thank you, Master Mordo." The Ancient One said in a cold voice. In a much warner voice, she dismissed the elderly man as well, the man collecting his book and bowing before leaving.

Tony twisted around to see them leave, wincing slightly in pain. He turned back at the sound of the Ancient One's voice. "Mr. Stark!"


The Ancient One smiled. "You are here to be healed. Correct?"

Tony nodded. The ancient one continued. "Car crash; dashboard pieces acting like shrapnel and causing your heart to fail. The only safe procedure would be a heart transplant. Other options would be an untested surgery or death."

Tony looked down at his hands, ignoring his burning questions of how she knew. "Yeah."

"And you came here because you heard of Chris Thornet."

Tony looked up in shock. "I never caught his last name, but yes... how did you know?" The Ancient One only smiled. "Did... Did you heal him? A crushed arm?"

"In a way."

"Tom said you restored his arm."


Tony's brows furrowed. "How?"

"Once the bone was reset in his arm, I convinced him that he could move it again."

Tony cocked his head. "I don't- I think I lost you somewhere. He couldn't move his arm- it was crushed and you convinced him that he could?"


Tony stared at her in awe and newfound respect. "Could you.."

A faint smile played on the Ancient One's lips. "Yes, if you are willing."

Tony froze. The Ancient One was suggesting that he could be healed, that he could live.

"What do you say, Mr. Stark?"

"Yes, yes please. Teach me: I'm willing to learn!"

The ghost of a smile reappeared and a grin made it's way onto the Ancient One's face. "Well, Mr. Stark, let's get you settled. Master Hamir!"

The old man from before strode into the room as The Ancient One and Tony stood up. Handing Tony his coat, Hamir led the billionaire out of the room, leaving the Ancient One behind.

Hamir led Tony threw countless halls until they entered a grand courtyard, bathed in heat and sunlight, luscious plants and rare trees lining the walls of the courtyard overlooking the bustling city below. Tony found the sight to be gorgeous and couldn't help but look around at the courtyard in awe, making a mental note to explore later.

A noise tore his attention from the courtyard and he looked to his guide, realizing that Jamie had left him and was motioning impatiently from a dimly lit hallway.

Tony hurried to the master's side and quickly apologized, following Hair through the hallway. They passed a dozen or so dark oak doors before they stopped in front of a door almost identical to the last fifteen.

Hamir slowly unlocked it and motioned Tony inside. "This is your room. You are free to decorate however you see fit, although we ask you refrain from anything that may damage the walls. Now please, bathe, rest, meditate if you can. The Ancient One will send for you in the morning."

Tony thanked Hamir and he gave a smile, his face crinkling and his eyes shining. He held out a slip of paper as well as the room key out to the shorter man. Tony swallowed. "I don't like to be handed things, could you maybe.. set it on the desk?"

Hamir nodded. "Of course, Mr. Stark."

Tony breathed a sigh of relief, and looked down at the paper. It has a strange word on it, one that Tony couldn't read as it was written in a weird language. "Uh, what's this?"

"The wi-fi password." Hamir explained. "We're not savages."

Tony laughed, thanking him. Hamir nodded and closed the door.

As soon as he was gone, Tony went to an oak desk in the corner of the room, deciding to look around later.

Tony opened his computer, connecting to the WiFi with ease, and attached a small USB port.

A few minutes later, Tony grinned as JARVIS came online.

"Hello sir." The A.I spoke calmly.

"Hey, J. Guess what?" Tony ashed excitedly, much like a small child.

"What is it, sir?"

"I'm at Kamar-Taj, in Nepal. I found someone who is willing to teach me the ways of the mystic arts, apparently. Her name is The Ancient One and she says that she can help heal me and give me another shot. Isn't that exciting?"

"Congratulations, sir! I am excited to see your improvement." Tony could've sworn he heard a smile in the A.I's voice.

"Thanks, J." Tony grinned. Maybe everything would be okay after all.

Now, how to turn up the heat in his room...

Twisted Fates | ironstrange (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now