libraries and laughter

201 15 8

Tony and Wong, I can'ttttt

OOC tendencies all over the place, so yeeeeahh. That, and some mild swearing, although I will never take the Lord's name in vain



The first thing Tony realized when came to the next morning was that he had fallen asleep at his desk. Or, more accurately, the keyboard of his darkened computer. Groggily sitting up, Tony groaned and rubbed his head, wincing in pain. His neck, back, and everything really, was stiff and sore, from both his condition and spending the night on a desk. He also realized that the keys most likely left angry red marks on his scalp.

The next thing Tony realized was that someone had come during the night -or maybe someone had magicked in?- however they did it, there was a brand new, clean, although strange-looking outfit laid out on his untouched bed.

Standing up, Tony walked over to his bed, rolling his shoulders along the way. One hand rubbing his head, Tony brushed his fingers against the fabric of what looked to be a dark, burgundy tunic of some sort. It was cool to the touch, thick and sturdy as he rubbed it between his fingers. It felt like tweed- a fabric Tony liked to wear because it blocked out the light of his reactor during the night and was warm, thick, and weather resistant.

Besides the tunic were a pair of maroon leggings, a matching undershirt, an assortment of something like ropes or belts, a pair of lightweight pajamas, and another pair of grey pants, a grey tunic with a grey belt, and a white shirt.

It was an odd assortment of clothing, Tony thought, but he was literally surrounded by magic, so he didn't mind it at all. In fact, he felt grateful that Kamar-Taj had gifted him not only a room to himself, but also three full sets of clothing. Granted, it was only pajamas, and two Kamar-Taj uniforms, but Tony appreciated it nonetheless.

Tony shook his head to clear his thoughts and decided to try on the red outfit. He assumed it was a sort of uniform as he had seen others wearing similar outfits the night before. He quickly discarded the clothes from the day before and slipped on the shirt and pants. They were surprisingly comfortable- soft and lightweight, yet warm enough to sedate Tony's fear of the cold. Happy with the discovery, Tony wasted no time in completing the outfit, shrugging on the burgundy robes and wrapping the belts around his waist. At first, the belts were a bit of a challenge, but JARVIS helpfully provided an image of what it was supposed to look like and Tony took it from there.

Soon enough, Tony approached a mirror near his bed and stared at the strange new outfit. Turning in a slow circle (the robes covered his backside, but the belts definitely did a number for his ass, he thought with a smirk), Tony decided he liked the new look. The only thing left for him to do was find his comb and a pair of scissors. He liked the clothing, but he definitely did not like the recent growth of his hair.


Half an hour later and Tony was ready to leave the sanctuary of his room to rejoin the real world as a functional member of society. Or as functional as Tony Stark could get. Pulling on some nice tennis shoes he had brought (designer brand, of course), Tony stepped outside and locked the door with the key Hamir had given him, memorizing the tine details and patterns that made his door different from all the other doors in the outdoor hallway.

Confident that he could tell the difference, Tony nodded to himself, pocketed his key, turned around, and realized that he had never been told when the Ancient One would call for him. Pausing, Tony frowned, but decided to shrug it off and continue down the hallway, enjoying the warm air, soft breeze, and the sight of Kathmandu waking up. After he had escaped the Afghan cave, Yinson's sacrifice fresh on his mind, Tony had vowed to never break another promise. And he had promised himself he would explore every nook and cranny of the eastern Hogwarts, right?

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