leaving (goodbyes hurt the most)

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Xander, it seemed, had no words for Tony's pleading. Tom didn't either and settled for just hugging Tony instead.

"But I mean," Tony rubbed his eyes. "If I do end up dying then,  well... I'm forty years old. I've had a good life." Tony sighed and released his grip on Tom.

"So, you're saying that it didn't work and you've just... given up?" Xander asked, their eyes narrowing.

Tony shrugged half-heartedly. "I-I guess. But if what you're saying is true, Chris making a full recovery, then I might have a chance."

Xander gave a small smile. "That's more like it.

Tony hummed. "There's a chance I might die trying to get to it, but it's worth a shot." He looked up at the couple and smiled. "Thank you. Both of you for giving me a reason to live."

Tom shook his head. "We didn't do anything. You had it in you the entire time, you just needed something to show you it was there."

Laughing, Tony stood up and put a hand on Tom's shoulder. "Wise words coming from such a young mouth. You got a bright future, kid."

Tom smiled brightly. "Thanks, Mr. Stark!"

"Call me Tony." Tony sighed, rolling his eyes. Tom giggled and Xander just smiled. Suddenly, the mood changed from happy to something more sentimental as Tony's smile faded. "I came here to say goodbye and make sure everything was in order, but now I guess I won't have to."

Xander's brows furrowed. "I don't understand-"

"Goodbyes hurt the most." Tony explained, bowing his head as he scribbled a note on a piece of paper and handed it to Tom. "Stay here for a bit until I'm gone, then get in the elevator. JARVIS will take you up to the penthouse. Got that, J?"

"I understand."

"Good. Once in the penthouse, J will lead you to Captain America. Give this to him- he'll understand. Got it?"

Tom nodded slowly, confusion written on his face. "Why me?" He asked. "You have thousands of employees, most of them have a higher level then me. And what about Miss. Potts?"

Tony smiled. "Because I trust you."

Tom nodded, swallowing thickly, and Tony could've sworn he saw tears glisten in the corner of the interns' eyes. Acting on impulse, Tony pulled the shorter brunette into a hug. Smiling up at Xander, Tony pulled them into the hug as well.

The three stood there for a good few moments until Tony let go. Patting Tom's shoulder and thanking Xander one last time, he turned and walked towards the elevator.

When the elevator doors began to close, Tony started and held the door open. "Thanks, kids. See you later. If not, see ya in the next life."

He let the doors close and thanked whatever god was above for giving him a second chance.


Steve Rodgers stared at the slip of paper that had been given to him by an intern he didn't recognize. He recognized Tony's hand writing and was immediately choked up.

It wasn't even a long note-barely three sentences long- but it was enough to bring the captain to tears.

I'm sorry for how I treated you after the accident. It wasn't your fault. I hope you can forgive me. Someday.


Grunting, Tony reached for the backpack near the top of his closet, standing on his tip-toes and clutching the doorframe floor support. Somedays, he really hated being short.

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