part three: love (ancient one)

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Thank you historicfics_101 for helping me with this chapter!

Also, if anyone knows how to tag a user on Ao3, lmk because I have no clue how to do it myself.


The Ancient One knew that Stephen Strange would eventually end up at Kamar-Taj. She also knew that be would arrive unbelieving and unmoving.

He was a sharp contrast to Tony Stark, a man in pain and eager to be healed. He had arrived a week before Stephen and has settled in nicely. The Ancient One was unusually proud of her new pupil.

The one thing that troubled them, however, was the reason that these too men in particular stood out to her. Of course, she loved all her students like their own children, but Stephen Strange and Tony Stark stuck out like sore thumbs and she couldn't figure out why.

Until their first lesson with Stephen and she caught a glimpse of what the future had in store for him. She could see him and Tony together.

She saw their lives becoming intertwined, like two strings. Their strings were red and blue, merging to form a flood of purple, as strong as the love that would be.

She saw tender moments, like Tony buying a bouquet of flowers because he knew Stephen was having a bad day. They say sad moments, the day when Tony was so low after his sister's death that he was ready to commit. She saw bittersweet moments, like the day a young boy was entrusted to Tony's care, the son of his sister.

The overall vision was short, but she had caught enough glimpses to make her fall in love with the idea of these two together. The childish, puppy-like man and the broken, unsure doctor.

Breaking out of her 'vision-trance' (coined by Kamar-Taj's librarian, Wong, when he was young and new to the magic of the mystic arts), the Ancient One found Stephen staring at her in concern.

"Are you okay? You went really quiet and your eyes went all fuzzy-"

The Ancient One shook their head, smiling. "I'm fine, Mr. Strange. The universe just had to show me something important."

"Okay..." Stephen said, doubtful.

"Do not worry about it, Stephen." The Ancient One reassured.

"All right. If you're sure?"

The Ancient One laughed. "I can't believe I never noticed before, but you remind me of another student. Strong and head fast, like you, though more childish. And he believed me when I told him about the mystic arts." She teased.

Stephen rolled his eyes. "Hardy-har."

The Ancient One scoffed, although their smile never faded. "Oh don't be like that, Stephen."

Stephen looked at her again, rolling his eyes. "Anyways, what's his name?"

The Ancient One put a finger to her lips and mimed zipping their mouth shut and throwing away the key. They had a sudden feeling of gratitude that in the first few days, she and Stephen had gotten close enough to joke and tease like they were now.

Stephen threw up his hands in exasperation. "Oh come on!"

The Ancient One grinned widely. "His name is Tony."

Stephen squinted at her, folding his hands back in his lap. "Well that's... vague. Uh, last name?"

The Ancient One pressed her lips into a line, the corners upturned still. "I'll let you figure that out on your own, Mr. Strange. But," The Ancient One touched her cheek. "He looks a lot like you, just a little less 'hobo'." Stephen made a sound of indignation as the Ancient One stood up, chuckling at his antics. "Good luck!"


The Ancient One watched Stephen leave aster their lesson, one of her never fading smiles on her face. A great future lay before him, filled with joy, sorrow, and love. If only he knew.

He might not realize the path that he was heading down, but the Ancient One was glad she had pushed him onto it. It hadn't been much, just a name, but she was glad they had done it. Both men had suffered for so long long- they deserved to find love, to find someone who would be with them every step of the way, to look out for one another and support each other in times of need. They truly deserved each other, and besides, the Ancient One was secretly excited to see her vision take shape.

The Ancient One gave a sigh of content. Oh how they loved the romance within the mystical walls of Kamar-Taj. It happened a lot more than one would thing- at least two new couples every month.

The Ancient One turned and walked away from the window, pushing away her own fantasies of finding love. They were the Sorcerer Supreme, love would come later. For now, however, she had work to do.

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