Peter Parker: "More Shy Than Spider-Man?"

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Title: "More Shy Than Spider-Man?"

Character: Tobey's Peter Parker/Spider-Man

Relationship: Romantic

Type: Fluff

Content Warnings:  None, but one f bomb

Author's Note: I've been watching all of Tobey's Spider-Man movies and I love him. Also, I've never written a y/n story before and I realised after finishing this that this is written in a very strange format.


A cool mellow breeze floated loftily through the open office causing a few loose papers here and there to flutter, allowing the low murmur of machines to sound more natural and less automated. This slight shift made the stark white office seem more homely, which was good considering this had been where you had been spending most of your time.

In the last few months Doctor Otto Octavius had become like a father for you. You started spending most of your free time in his lab, but that 'free time' turned into just time, and your life had slowly been making it's way to become a scientist for Oscorp. 

And in that span of time Doctor Oct had been noticing some funny things you would do. Such as staring at a certain someone every time they would work or come into the office. 


"You should go talk to him" Doctor Oct's voice cut into your brain, "he's as awkward as you, you know."

Ignore him. If you just ignore Otto, he will leave you alone, Peter will leave and your crush will remain a crush. Nothing else, nothing more.

Otto just shook his head, knowing no matter what that you would ignore him. This had gone on long enough in his head, "Oi! Peter, come over here. And bring your notes. You, me and y/n are going to look at this cell together."

This call triggered Peter into a hurried pack up, he dragged all his scattered notes, pens and pencils into his arms and carefully walked over to your and Otto's desk, being careful not to knock anything. 

This call also triggered you to go into a state of panic. You shoved all your drawing riddled notes under some brand new paper, in an effort to look clean and respectable. Although, you knew this wouldn't work as you were wearing your favourite band's Merch and your hair had too many knots in it; the amount of knots it takes for you to avoid brushing it at all costs. 

Before you could actually fix any thing, Peter Parker was standing next to you. The boy you had been crushing on ever since he had entered this stupid fucking lab. Peter put his books down, said hi and then sat down. Normal enough activities, but as soon as these actions were finished, Doctor Oct stood up, and said something about having to go check if his lunch was here. It was very clear he just wanted you and Peter to have an actual conversation.

He turned to leave the room but first looked at you, looking for a sign to say you were okay with these turn of events. Even the fact that you weren't prepared and were startled didn't over ride the fact you were finally going to talk to Peter. You nodded at Otto. 

With this signal he left the room with one very smug look on his face.


I hope you enjoyed! I realise this is written strongly, but I'm not really sure how else to write y/n stories. Also, I hope you don't mind all the Doctor Otto. I love him as well, if you can't tell. I have Spider-Man 2 sitting on my desk right now.

Jam :)

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