Multiple: "Reactions to Being Hugged"

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Title: ____'s Reaction to Being Hugged.

Character: Multiple :)

Relationship: Friends or Father/Son (don't sexualise this please xoxo)

Type: Fluff !!

Content Warnings: None :)

Note: This is just a set of little prompts which are about different characters I like and how they would react to you hugging them.


Toby's Peter Parker: Slightly taken aback because hugs aren't normally his thing, but after a while he caves and hugs you back. After he decides he would hug you back he sinks into you and lets you hold his weight for a little bit, he is tired. But he only does this for a little bit, because he doesn't concisely do it. Once he realises he is leaning on you he steps back out of your hug; he doesn't want to burden you in any way at all.

Andrew's Peter Parker: He is very, very happy that you finally gave him a hug. He has been wanting to hug you for a while but didn't want to over step any boundaries etc. Since Gwen died he has been very careful around making friends with new people because he doesn't want them to suffer because of him, but you were very persistent at being nice to him and he appreciated that you weren't going to leave him. And now, because you have finally hugged him, he is not going you let you go. If you are shorter than him he would lift you off the ground, if you are taller than him he would try to pick you up off the ground (and probably succeed because he is strong).

Tom's Petter Parker: God damn, he would be very excited but very unsure of what to do. He doesn't know where to put his hands or where to rest his head or even if he should rest his head. He is over thinking all of it but is reassured that everything is fine because you seem very calm. He acts like a puppy getting lots of head pats and is very excited about that fact.

Deadpool: He has no idea how to react. Being an asshole to everyone, he doesn't normally get displays of affection (other than some sexual ones but thats not what we want to talk about). After he actually had enough time to comprehend what was happening he would never let you go. You would be squished to death and Wade would be smiling so much. Nothing else would really be going through his mind at this time other than the hug.

Eddie Brock: When you gave him this hug he would be very tired, even though he always is, and not really comprehending life at a quick pace. It would take him little while to actually notice the hug and a few prompts from Venom. Just like Tobey's Petter, he would lean into and go limp in your arms once he had received this hug. Although unlike Tobey's Peter he would not step back out of this hug. Eddie would just stand there hugging you back until you were the one to let go. After all, you initiated this hug not him.

Bruce Wayne: Very taken aback, no one ever hugs Bruce Wayne not even Alfred. He was no idea how to react, he just stands there with his arms up in the air and looking like a scared stray cat. He's probably sweaty and is stressing a lot inside, but makes sure not to show this on his face or by his actions. Finally sorting something out in his head, he would put his arms on your shoulders and tap them a few times. This would signal two things, one was him showing physical affection and the other would be to tell you than you should let go now.

Dumbledore (Fantastic Beasts Era): Dumbledore would be very ready for this hug, his arms would be wide open and he would hug you with all his might. He would be very happy that you gave him hug because he knows that physical affection isn't the most comfortable thing for everyone. Dumbledore appreciates this hug and would be smiling from ear to ear. He does not end this hug, he waits for you to end it.

Newt Scamander: My baby boy would be very nervous because of your hug. He doesn't really know how to express himself like everyone else, but that's okay because you don't know either. So this hug would be one of mutual understanding and both of you would appreciate it. His head would rest on your shoulder and your head would rest on his. It's a short hug but still a nice one.

Mando (Din Djarin): Just like Bruce, he would have no idea how to react. They are both masked superhero like dudes after all. He would probably hug you back for a few seconds before walking off to go fix the ship or check on the ship's progress, but he appreciates the sign of affection all the same. He just isn't great at showing the gratitude. The helmet makes it hard, but through needing to survive he doesn't show how he feels through his body language very much either.


That's everyone I can think of for the moment. I will most likely add to this and I will add a list of edits underneath this ending note (if I ever add any more little imagines).

These are all characters I really like and I wish I knew, so this is mainly me just recording down how I think they react. Its interesting because everyone adds their own little head canons to characters and shape them in their own mind.

Jam :)

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