Dumbledore: "Boggarts in the Office"

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Title: "Boggarts in the Office"

Character: Dumbledore (Fantastic Beasts Era)

Relationship: Father/Son

Type: Fluff

Content Warnings: F Bombs, Some weird dissociation (??). Don't read if you get triggered by weird core stuff etc. Also there is mention of anxiety attacks and dissociation break downs.

Note: Just watched the new fantastic beasts movie, and yes I hate JK Rowling but fuck I love Newt Scamander (he is aro ace, go argue withe the fucking wall cause there's no point of even trying to prove me wrong). And maybeeee I feel a little bit of sympathy for Dumbledore, but he is still an ass to Harry and makes children go fight in wars. 

Gay Adult Dumbledore >>>>>>> Crusty Old Man Dumbledore.


"Concentrate Y/n. Seriously this time."

The professor's stern voice floated above the rest of the room, soaring above the piles of paper work which was staked miles high. The paper wasn't only stacked on the desk, but all over the floor, on the chairs, basically there was paperwork any where it could go. The room was inviting for a teachers office. The colours of the room were tan and brown, highlighting the nicer colours of the old castle rather than the greys and greens. Dumbledore worked in a messy environment, not ugly messy but still messy. Stuff was everywhere but everything appeared to have a spot.

One thing seemed to have a very important spot in the room. It was a dark wooden clothing wardrobe. It clearly was not from this office as it did not match any of the vibe of the room.There were to other signs it didn't belong; It was in the centre of the room with noting else around it, and it was shaking.

"Close your eyes Y/n." Dumbledore's low voice started to strain as it showed signs of being extremely tired.

Hearing the stain in Dumbledore's voice, Y/n closed his eyes. He had no reason to be so stressed about this. All Y/n had to do was to think of something that scared him. Something that would make him bundle himself up under the covers. But he couldn't picture anything in his head. Well, he could. Maybe a strange dude with chainsaws for arms would scare him. But realistically, he would just laugh.

Y/n's mind wandered, thinking about how he would actually react to a chainsaw dude. But then he hear a small shift near him, Dumbledore was still waiting. He asked Y/n to stay after class instead of making Y/n have his turn with the boggart in front of all of the [your house] and [any other house]. He was doing Y/n a favour, and Y/n wasn't doing anything nice back.

If Dumbledore was being completely honest, being nice to Y/n wasn't his only reason to do this. Y/n was an interesting kid, he didn't have many friends and did well in his classes even though he appeared to never pay attention. He also didn't appear to like any sport or have any 'normal' interests like the rest of the year level. Seeing what a boggart took the form of in front of a student was a very easy way to tell what a child was like. You could tell if they were mature, or any trauma they have had.

"Okay. Okay. I am ready." Y/n's voice shook slightly as the words came out of his mouth. He tried to hide the shake, but it was still noticeable to Dumbledore.

"You sure?"


Before lifting his wand up and flicking it Dumbledore looked at Y/n, who still had his eyes closed, his eye softening with concern. But seeing the determination etched across Y/n's face he stopped hesitating.

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