Deadpool: "Loss of Motivation"

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Title: "Loss of Motivation"

Character: Deadpool

Relationship: Relationship

Type: Fluff :)

Content Warnings: Small amount of swearing, very small about of suggestive stuff at the very end (like one line smh)

Author's Note: Not feeling to great, but have this. My last ounce of motivation.


The sea wind slowly whispered through y/n's window breezing past a certain person, who was clinging onto the windowsill of a 6 story building. The setting sun was dancing on his blood red suit as he ist hung there, contemplating if he should enter the building or not. To be completely fair, he was already there, it would be rude to not go into y/n's room. It wouldn't do any harm, in the contrary it might actually do something good!

With that thought process Wade Wilson hoisted himself up and through the window which lead into y/n's room. It was a fairly small room, it makes sense as this is New York. The small room was littered with posters of tv shows and movies. Not to mention the many figurines and plush toys of characters. Y/n thought surrounding himself with things he liked would help him stay happy. If it worked was debatable.

Wade plopped himself onto y/n's desk, scattering some post-it note drawings on the floor.

And there he was, Wade's little baby boy, laying on his bed reading a book. He looked emotionless and very tired, this concerned Wade. But, as soon as y/n heard the shifting of paper, his expression changed. It changed from the tired, black expression to a very animated, annoyed one.

"WADE !!"

"Helloooo baby boy" Wade winked.

"You're not meant to be here" Y/n turned away from the red suited man who was sitting on his desk.

"You were reading a book!! What was it?" Wade said, completely ignoring the last statement.

"It's not even a book," y/n sighed. "It's just an empty journal. I can't maintain any fucking motivation long enough to read a book."

"Being locked up would do that to you." Wade nodded. He understood what y/n was going through. Ever since y/n got in a nasty accident with some cops, he had been locked in his small apartment. No one was meant to visit him, but rules don't apply to Deadpool.

"You were motivated enough to go and get it though, that's good" Wade smiled. He seemed honest, he wasn't belittling y/n.

"Yeah, I was going to draw."

"It's okay that you didn't though, don't stress." Wade got up from his sitting spot on y/n's desk. "Mind if I join you, baby boy?"

Y/n shook his head. If he was honest with himself, he really wanted a hug. He really needed a hug. He should let people in more often, but letting people be distant was easier. Deadpool was different, he didn't let y/n push him away. And that was nice for once.

Wade walked over to y/n's bed, being careful not to step on any of the scribbled drawings or the plastic snack bags. And then he waited for y/n to move to the side. "Oi, dick head, move so I can join you."

Some what reluctantly, y/n shuffled to the side allowing Wade to join him.

"This is something i've been thinking about for a looooong time" Wade whispered into y/n's year, slightly suggestively mind you.

"Yeah I know what else is long, dick head." Y/n said pushing Wade's still masked face away from his face. "And you should keep it in your pants."

"Damn that's no fun though"

Y/n just shook his head and laughed. The laugh was pure and that also brought a smile to Wade's face. It was nice to see y/n happy. Not distracted happiness, where he was only half happy. But actually happy, fully happy. Seeing this happiness lead Wade to whisper something a lot more innocent into y/n's ear; "I'm so proud of you baby boy."


A longer one shot today. Might continue this one as a mini series if I have the motivation. I know no one really reads these so I will write what the fuck I want.


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