Eddie Brock: "White Woman Jumpscares"

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Title: "White Woman Jumpscares"

Character: Eddie Brock

Relationship: Friendship or beginning of relationship.

Type: Fluff :)

Content Warnings: Small amount of swearing

Author's Note: Pretty sure i just failed an english oral (get your head out of the gutter) presentation :)             UPDATE: I didn't fail, I got 54%. 


Today was nothing special. The sun was half behind the clouds, half out as if it was the perfect day. The weather couldn't make up its mind. Not only was the sun confused, but the wind was raring to go one minute and not there the next. All this change just seemed to unsettle the city, many people were on edge today and Eddie Brock was no different.

Eddie was tired, his ever present eye bags seemed even heavier than normal and his posture slumped. The man looked like he had finally hit his last rock bottom, giving up for good seemed to be on the horizon. But of course this wasn't entirely true, Eddie was tired and ready to give up but Venom wasn't.

Venom was the only reason Eddie had even gotten out of bed today, let alone go to work.

"Come on Eddie" Venom mumbled, "We don't even need to be in the office that long, just suck it up you pussy."

"Real nice of you, big guy." Eddie said to himself while opening the door to his work place.

Inside his workplace there was quite a few people, many were at desks. Most of them congregating around coffee machines and talking amongst themselves. None of them stuck out to Eddie, or Venom for that matter.

None of them, until two people across the room.

One was sitting down at a desk, clearly annoyed and trying hard to not lash out. The other standing up, leaning in and having no problem with invading personal space.

"That's suspicious," Venom grumbled "We should check it out."

"We ?!? No." Eddie turned around, facing away from the two people and gesturing a cross in mid air. "We are not doing anything."

"Oh come on Eddie. Be the hero, do something right,"

Eddie waited for the rest of the sentence.

"And don't be a pussy."

"THERE IT IS" Eddie exploded, regaining control after realising he had yelled, continuing at a hushed but angry whisper "Now I gotta help don't I ?!?"


"I see your foot bouncing all the time. You can't tell me you don't have some sort of anxiety." Eddie heard as he approached the two at the opposite side of the room.

"And you're always fidgeting. You can never concentrate. You're always off with the fairies. Seriously..."

"Are you actually trying to help right now? Cause it just seems like you are pointing out everything wrong with me." Y/n had finally snapped, finishing his outburst with a clearly fake smile, tilting his head to the side to exaggerate the fakeness of it all.

If Brock was being honest, he had noticed y/n a lot recently. He was a sweet guy, and never wanted to be in anyones way or annoy anyone. Something not many people really cared about. Something was different with him, something worth protecting.

"Hi, hi, ma'am" Eddie said, waving at the woman annoying the person who was sitting down at his desk, "Do you mind if I talk with y/n? I have a job I need a photographer for."

The woman just stared, her blonde hair which was tied back in a pony tail seemed to stay in place while she moved quickly because of the sudden appearance of Eddie. She was your standard, white, thirty year old Karen. Hell knows if she actually wanted to help y/n or just piss him off enough so he would quit.

"Um, no. No." she said, regaining composure. "You can have him. Just be careful. He isn't very 'mentally stable' if you know what I mean." She walked off, not hiding her clear jab at y/n.

"That makes two of us." Eddie laughed. His laugh wasn't completely genuine. I mean, it kind of was, as that was a simple jab back at the rude women. But, the statement was sad two. His laugh reflected that.

"So," Eddie turned to y/n, holding out his hand "Want to do a job for me?" He half winked, hinting they weren't actually going to do any work (get your mind out of the fucking gutter, what is this? the second time now?).

"Yeah, sure!" Y/n said, smiling and holding Eddie's hand allowing him to be hoisted up.


"See, wasn't that easy" Venom said with attitude.

"Yeah, it was. I guess you were right." Eddie replied, glancing over at y/n who was talking about his favourite type of pokémon.

It was nice to be in the company of someone, who wasn't inside his brain for once. It was nice to have more company.

God, Venom would never let Eddie hear the end of this.


I hope you liked.

I have to write a short story for english, hopefully my teacher can't tell I write fan fictions by the way I write.

Also I saw someone reading my Lemon Boy Dnf (yes I wrote a dnf fan fic, shoot me (don't actually)) fan fiction in class and I have to say it was very off putting.


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